Latest school shooter was.....

Shocker ..a tranny ... guaranteed he's on ssri's, and golly gee I wonder where he got the hate the trads and normies from ..I'm looking at you low IQ "credentialed" " educated" progressives...

Poor left-wing retards theyre always disappointed it wasn't two guys in maga hats ...just one of their own violent little fags ..they create these lil Frankenstein freaks ... with all the gay shit and irrational hate they push on these little kids
Maybe his family life wasen't that great condidering his braindead old man bought him an AR a few months after law enforcement met with him & braindead dad about previous threats that he made.

Know how this happened? Kemp & the Georgia legistlature allow 14 yr olds to own weapons of mass destruction with no oversight.

So take your trans, fags & other moronic insults & you know what you can do with them. Get my drift, MAGA disciple?

Btw, the braindead dad is cooling his heels in a cell after he was charged with murder for his stupidity.
Maybe his family life wasen't that great condidering his braindead old man bought him an AR a few months after law enforcement met with him & braindead dad about previous threats that he made.

Know how this happened? Kemp & the Georgia legistlature allow 14 yr olds to own weapons of mass destruction with no oversight.

So take your trans, fags & other moronic insults & you know what you can do with them. Get my drift, MAGA disciple?

Btw, the braindead dad is cooling his heels in a cell after he was charged with murder for his stupidity.
Maybe he was brainwashed by your leftist faggots and fed SSRIs then groomed into doing this by Biden's FBI

Or maybe he was just another leftist faggot who hates God fearing Christians
Incorrect. A 14 year old can't legally own or purchase a firearm. You had to have known this or at least suspected your statement was false. So you are either willfully naive and intentionally deceptive.
So you're saying his old man bought the kid an AR violating Georgia law? If that's the case I stand corrected.

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