The downfall of our Democratic Party

Who? Which modern day Christians. The one who stands up for traditional values, for masculinity for this country. Don’t bring up Donald Trump my friend . I’m not talking about him.

Are you including modern day Christians who think whites are privileged and knock over a statue of Abraham Lincoln or George Washington?
I know. All the problems are with the "other guys". I know.
How many cucks and feminist men are supporting Kamala Harris? the Democrat party is a disgrace to America today.

Any man who wears one of those “white dudes for Harris” hat is an abomination. How can these men look themselves in the mirror and call themselves a patriot. They can’t.

This is the weakening of America that we are seeing. God willing we will save the Democratic Party and we will see a radical change because we need it. The Democratic Party must bring back patriotism, masculinity and Christian values. Be proud of our ancestors who built this glorious country.
Neither Biden or Harris have yet to condemn the opening ceremonies at the Olympics. And, judging by the big pride event at the White House in June, they aren't going to, not to mention appointing a bunch of fags to their administration such as La Pierre and Sam Brinton.

Democrats have evolved from guardians of the middle class into heros of the ultra left.
i'm not wearing that hat. mine says :

Well, that's honest. It is about the most positive thing about the "choice" offered by the party under discussion. It is abysmal that the two self-preserving political parties have brought us to this point, where no matter how terrible their candidate is, the other side can run anything against it because some will find it less awful.
i would vote for a cat before trump. thanks.

harris 24 "so we can have this much fun in 2028 as well"
Thats the problem. You dont care how much Biden and Kamala have hurt our country. Youll take 4 more years of nation destroying progressive policies over Trump, who we all know will do the opposite, but your blind tribalism is more important to you.
Women are great and there are some who are more than qualified to be President. It would be welcome if one were available.

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