Is Kamala violating U.S. law by providing support to a terrorist organization

And the same leftist ^^^ blaming the Jew Country instead of the terrorist organization who is holding and torturing Jews, and who kicked the whole thing off with a barbaric massacre.
People being genocided are fighting back... and you are complaining.

Here's a crazy idea. Don't live next to people who want to murder you. Let's leave aside if they are justified in wanting to murder you, the point is, THEY WANT TO MURDER YOU. Bombing them isn't going to make them want to murder you less.

Quick Take​

A recent deal involving a prisoner swap and the extension of a Trump-era waiver have freed $16 billion in previously frozen Iranian funds. Social media posts distort the sources of the money to falsely claim “Joe Biden gave 16 billion to Iran.” The Iranian money has been unfrozen with restrictions that it be used for humanitarian purposes.
First, like the dimocrap scumbag you are, you lie. Then, like the little bitch you are, you quibble about it.

We had the money. It was ours. Period. Whether lying dimocrap scum want to play their little pre-schooler word games and call it anything else -- It was ours. Fucking period. In our Banks, guarded by our guns and soldiers and police and Navy, Air Force and Marines. OURS! Got it, useful idiot? Ours.

Ours. Let that sink in for a minute......... Ours. Like when that girl took your boyfriend away from you, he was hers. Not yours. Hers. She was using and abusing him, not you, she was sucking his dick, not you. Then when she spent all his money, when she was done with him, she gave him back. Know why she gave him back, half-wit? Know how she had the ability to give him back, idiot? Because he was hers to give.

Just like that 16 billion was ours to give. You can call it 'released' or 'unfrozen' or whatever word makes your little dick happy, but it was OURS. idiot

Then Sponge Brains Shits Pants gives it to Iran. He didn't have to, but he did. Why? Because, like you, he's a piece of fucking shit. Unlike you, he's going to get something in return for it. WHILE ALL YOU GET TO DO IS EXERCISE YOUR KNEE PADS.

As usual.
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You are making a claim you know you can't support.
It's a very valid impression based on past behavior.
In the real world of HUMAN---past behavior is
predictive of human behavior (first page of
Kaplan's textbook of psychiatry---12th edition)
Kamala, in reading out her lies about what took place in her private meeting with Netanyahu, eased up pressure on the terrorist organization holding and torturing Jewish hostages (now going on 10 months) and instead putting the onus on Israel.

Similarly, Biden gave or enabled Iran, a state sponsor of terror organizations, billions of dollars by which they could fund HAMAS to massacre Jews.

Why are these not considered a violation of the law that prohibits providing support to terrorist organizations? It sure seems that Democrats are willing to throw their support against Islamic terrorists (oops….Obama and Kamala said don’t use that phrase…..makes the Muslim savages look bad, I guess) when the target are Jews.

She should have never met with that Jewish terrorist in the first place
Kamala, in reading out her lies about what took place in her private meeting with Netanyahu, eased up pressure on the terrorist organization holding and torturing Jewish hostages (now going on 10 months) and instead putting the onus on Israel.

Similarly, Biden gave or enabled Iran, a state sponsor of terror organizations, billions of dollars by which they could fund HAMAS to massacre Jews.

Why are these not considered a violation of the law that prohibits providing support to terrorist organizations? It sure seems that Democrats are willing to throw their support against Islamic terrorists (oops….Obama and Kamala said don’t use that phrase…..makes the Muslim savages look bad, I guess) when the target are Jews.

You really like lying to people.
I am very intelligent. How is Benjamin Netanyahu a "terrorist"?
Was George Washington a "terrorist"?
Like the children they are, they just throw words around without understanding them.

With children, it is forgivable. With dimocraps, it just proves their primal stupidity. Most of them are so stupid, I don't understand how they've lived as long as they have.
to what "lie" do you allude?
He/Xe/Xim/Xer/She/Non-Binary pyrsyn is just another (paid?) troll that is probably hitting between 20 and 30 'Social Media' (yes, forums are social media) sites.

They offer nothing, they bring nothing to the discussion, they are here simply to disrupt. The Mods know it and do nothing about it. Maybe because it keeps their 'numbers' up or -- whatever. But people like this are a detriment to all Forums everywhere. They will take them down over a period of time. Seen it happen many times. USMB is still one of the better ones of a bad bunch but......
First, like the dimocrap scumbag you are, you lie. Then, like the little bitch you are, you quibble about it.

We had the money. It was ours. Period. Whether lying dimocrap scum want to play their little pre-schooler word games and call it anything else -- It was ours. Fucking period. In our Banks, guarded by our guns and soldiers and police and Navy, Air Force and Marines. OURS! Got it, useful idiot? Ours.

Ours. Let that sink in for a minute......... Ours. Like when that girl took your boyfriend away from you, he was hers. Not yours. Hers. She was using and abusing him, not you, she was sucking his dick, not you. Then when she spent all his money, when she was done with him, she gave him back. Know why she gave him back, half-wit? Know how she had the ability to give him back, idiot? Because he was hers to give.

Just like that 16 billion was ours to give. You can call it 'released' or 'unfrozen' or whatever word makes your little dick happy, but it was OURS. idiot

Then Sponge Brains Shits Pants gives it to Iran. He didn't have to, but he did. Why? Because, like you, he's a piece of fucking shit. Unlike you, he's going to get something in return for it. WHILE ALL YOU GET TO DO IS EXERCISE YOUR KNEE PADS.

As usual.
Except that it wasn't ours. It was Iranian funds held in a banks in Oman and Qatar. It was released as part of a prisoner swap between the US and Iran.


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