Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

Again yes I did. I asked if you were confused because you kept trying to substitute your context for the one I meant my comments in.

If I was knowingly trying to substitute my context for yours then I wasn't confused, was I?
What do you have to disagree about in regards to my original comments in the context in which I meant them?
Other than that he didn't express it the way you said, nothing.
You asked me to explain it to you. :dunno: :lol:
Was that a question?
If I was knowingly trying to substitute my context for yours then I wasn't confused, was I?
Guy I don't know what you're doing now. I'm happy to admit I'm confused by this whole exchange. :lol:
Other than that he didn't express it the way you said, nothing.
What? Who's the he you're referring to here?
Was that a question?
It ended in a question mark. That's usually the telltale sign of one.
He does it because he wants to, not because he has to as you just admited it. If you want to defend your good slave master, that's your prerogative. During slavery, there were good slave-masters, who treated their slaves well. The problem isn't so much with the salve-masters but with the institution of slavery. You're comfortable working for a good master, but nonetheless, you're a wage slave. Are you aware that when your master has access to intelligent robot cashiers, you're out of a job?

For people who work in the food industry:

What billionaires are saying:

Just like capitalism replaced feudalism, eventually due to advanced automation and AI, socialism (i.e. A marketless, non-profit, rationally planned, more democratic system of mass-production) will replace capitalism. Society will be forced out of necessity to adopt socialism. Even if markets continue to exist, with the government providing everyone with a UI i.e. Universal Income, that will be a form of socialism. Eventually markets will become completely obsolete and unsustainable due to the lack of wage-labor, and society will adopt marketless socialism. Think.

I want to like you I really do, it think about this, LeBron James and Tom Brady both earned everything they have because they provide a service (yes entertainment is a service) that others cannot, one is white one is black, but according to you we gotta take Tom’s money cause he’s white and LeBron earned his so he keeps his for his family cause you know slavery and sh*t
You do sound like a loser. Does it keep you up at night worrying about losing. Equity does not keep the best down because it is not about being the best. Best is just a word. It is about understanding that all men and women are created equal.

But you believe your better than everyone else that why you will do anything to win even cheat.
That’s because you have no idea how to compete or what winning actually is. You think winning is your participation trophy collection. Which is exactly what equity is. Participation trophy’s for everyone. No winners or losers. All results must be equal.

So that in itself makes me better. And yes I’m willing to stomp your ass into the mud to win. That’s what winners do.

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