Do We Really Want J.D. A Heartbeat Away From The Presidency?

Septuagenarian Donald J. Trump is already past average life expectancy, and he's overweight and has a bad ticker. He's taking statins to stay alive. If he's elected again, there's a good chance he'll stroke out before he completes his second term.

One percenter coastal elite James Donald Bowman was chosen by Trump as his running mate for one reason, and one reason only.

Bowman is tech billionaire Peter Thiel's boy. The bearded wonder was a principal at Thiel's hedge fund.

Thiel was a financial supporter of Trump in 2016, but he was turned off by Trump's atrocious behavior and performance as president, and he refused to contribute to the felon's 2020 campaign.

Trump is desperate for cash, and by picking Thiel's protege he is hoping the tech billionaire will cough up some lucre.

The thing is, James David Hamel is an unpopular choice. He is also far less experienced than Kamala Harris.

We saw with Trump what a disaster it can be to elect an inexperienced person to the most important job on the planet.

So do we really want this guy a heartbeat away from that job?

Could Republicans get buyer’s remorse with J.D. Vance?

Vance didn’t pack the same base-expanding potential as other candidates (such as Sen. Tim Scott, Sen. Marco Rubio and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum). And Vance’s only campaign — for Senate in 2022 — was nothing to write home about. Despite winning, he polled as unpopular and performed significantly worse than any other statewide Ohio GOP candidate.


At least five quality polls out this week have gauged Vance’s image, and each shows that more people dislike him than like him. They show he is between two and nine points underwater.

As CNN’s Harry Enten noted Tuesday, that appears to be without recent precedent. Vice-presidential picks usually get a honeymoon period, and none has been in such negative territory so soon after their debut on the biggest stage.
the presidency? i don't want j d anywhere near my couch.

JD Vance writes foreword for Project 2025 leader's ...​

The Guardian › books › article › jul › j...

5 days ago — Republican VP nominee introduces book by Kevin Roberts, head of rightwing plan that Trump has tried to disavow.

Former President Donald Trump has lately been trying to distance himself from Project 2025, claiming it was cooked up by the “severe right” and that he doesn’t know anything about it.
But it turns out the severe right is coming from inside the house.

Kevin Roberts, the self-proclaimed “head” of Project 2025, has a book coming out in September — and the book’s foreword is written by Trump’s vice presidential candidate, J.D. Vance, who lavishly praises its ideas.

“Never before has a figure with Roberts’s depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism,” Vance writes, according to the book’s Amazon page. “We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.”
Septuagenarian Donald J. Trump is already past average life expectancy, and he's overweight and has a bad ticker. He's taking statins to stay alive. If he's elected again, there's a good chance he'll stroke out before he completes his second term.
There's a pretty wide swath of this country that just doesn't think about stuff like this. Or how a President affects a Supreme Court. Or how the makeup of Congress affects any number of things. Or how the macroeconomy works. Or how a fucking bill becomes fucking law. Or the names of their Senators.

Let's face it: The country has become fat and lazy, and can tell you far more about who the Kardashian girls are banging than about any of the above.
Septuagenarian Donald J. Trump is already past average life expectancy, and he's overweight and has a bad ticker. He's taking statins to stay alive. If he's elected again, there's a good chance he'll stroke out before he completes his second term.

One percenter coastal elite James Donald Bowman was chosen by Trump as his running mate for one reason, and one reason only.

Bowman is tech billionaire Peter Thiel's boy. The bearded wonder was a principal at Thiel's hedge fund.

Thiel was a financial supporter of Trump in 2016, but he was turned off by Trump's atrocious behavior and performance as president, and he refused to contribute to the felon's 2020 campaign.

Trump is desperate for cash, and by picking Thiel's protege he is hoping the tech billionaire will cough up some lucre.

The thing is, James David Hamel is an unpopular choice. He is also far less experienced than Kamala Harris.

We saw with Trump what a disaster it can be to elect an inexperienced person to the most important job on the planet.

So do we really want this guy a heartbeat away from that job?

Could Republicans get buyer’s remorse with J.D. Vance?

Vance didn’t pack the same base-expanding potential as other candidates (such as Sen. Tim Scott, Sen. Marco Rubio and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum). And Vance’s only campaign — for Senate in 2022 — was nothing to write home about. Despite winning, he polled as unpopular and performed significantly worse than any other statewide Ohio GOP candidate.


At least five quality polls out this week have gauged Vance’s image, and each shows that more people dislike him than like him. They show he is between two and nine points underwater.

As CNN’s Harry Enten noted Tuesday, that appears to be without recent precedent. Vice-presidential picks usually get a honeymoon period, and none has been in such negative territory so soon after their debut on the biggest stage.

This from the people who support I’m In It To Win It *Joe having his finger on the nuclear button despite being declared to incompetent to stand trial but he’s competent enough to run the country until January 2025.
You just can’t make this stuff up.
Septuagenarian Donald J. Trump is already past average life expectancy, and he's overweight and has a bad ticker. He's taking statins to stay alive. If he's elected again, there's a good chance he'll stroke out before he completes his second term.

One percenter coastal elite James Donald Bowman was chosen by Trump as his running mate for one reason, and one reason only.

Bowman is tech billionaire Peter Thiel's boy. The bearded wonder was a principal at Thiel's hedge fund.

Thiel was a financial supporter of Trump in 2016, but he was turned off by Trump's atrocious behavior and performance as president, and he refused to contribute to the felon's 2020 campaign.

Trump is desperate for cash, and by picking Thiel's protege he is hoping the tech billionaire will cough up some lucre.

The thing is, James David Hamel is an unpopular choice. He is also far less experienced than Kamala Harris.

We saw with Trump what a disaster it can be to elect an inexperienced person to the most important job on the planet.

So do we really want this guy a heartbeat away from that job?

Could Republicans get buyer’s remorse with J.D. Vance?

Vance didn’t pack the same base-expanding potential as other candidates (such as Sen. Tim Scott, Sen. Marco Rubio and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum). And Vance’s only campaign — for Senate in 2022 — was nothing to write home about. Despite winning, he polled as unpopular and performed significantly worse than any other statewide Ohio GOP candidate.


At least five quality polls out this week have gauged Vance’s image, and each shows that more people dislike him than like him. They show he is between two and nine points underwater.

As CNN’s Harry Enten noted Tuesday, that appears to be without recent precedent. Vice-presidential picks usually get a honeymoon period, and none has been in such negative territory so soon after their debut on the biggest stage.
/----/ If it annoys you libtards so much, Trump couldn't have picked a better VP.
Trump scares me, but Vance scares me even more.
Whereas Trump is purely transactional, opportunistic and desperately needy for approval, Vance is a straight up authoritarian theocrat.

If that's what we get, then that's what we deserve. I wonder how many in MAGA world really understand what they're asking for.
Now that's just stupid.
/----/ Why else are democRATs tellling Trump he needs a new VP? Are they trying to help home win? Not even you can believe that.
Whereas Trump is purely transactional, opportunistic and desperately needy for approval, Vance is a straight up authoritarian theocrat.

If that's what we get, then that's what we deserve. I wonder how many in MAGA world really understand what they're asking for.
i'm still contemplating vance. these crypto bros are famously small l "libertarian" (translated as "i wanna an you can't stop me") as usual the authoritarianism is reserved for we "little people."
This silly thread is a sad example of the poisonous, extreme rhetoric that is causing so much division in our country.

When Vance was ardently anti-Trump a few years ago, Democrats praised him as a "courageous Republican," as an "independent thinker," etc., etc. They loved him almost as much as they still love Romney (I have great respect for Romney, by the way). But, oh, now that Vance is pro-Trump, well, he's another devil, another alt-right extremist, another MAGA radical, blah, blah, blah.

Personally, I think Vance was a bad pick because he gives Trump nothing that Trump didn't already have. I'd take Vance over Harris any day, but he adds very little value to the ticket. A Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley would have been a much, much better pick, a pick that would have appealed to Independents and centrist Democrats.

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