Zone1 Abortion is murder and I can't find any way to show otherwise.

I say none of this from a religious standpoint or from a political standpoint. I am simply looking at this from a very stark and realistic point of view.

I have tried to examine abortion, look at others points of view and so on but I honestly see no rational or reasonable way to show abortion is not murdering a human being. There is simply no way that abortion is not murdering a child regardless of how you try to spin it.

First of all, if you have an abortion that means you have a child inside you. If you do not have a child inside you then there is nothing to abort. You can't have abortion before there is a child.

Second, once the egg is fertilized and implanted it's a baby. Sure it's a little blob, but unforseen circumstances aside, if you simply leave that blob alone it will be born in 9 months. Once a fertilized egg is implanted it starts a growth period of many stages lasting 17 to 19 years to become an adult. It doesn't matter if it's 11 days after conception or 3 years after conception, it's still a human being in different growth stages. Aborting it 3 weeks is the same as aborting it at 8 months, you are prematurely stopping the life of the baby before it can be born.

Except that 2/3rd of fertilized eggs never attach to the Uterine wall. Yet we don't sell little coffins with tampons and have a funeral.

Of the ones that do, a large percentage of them miscarry. Some estimate up to 40%. Again, we aren't launching homicide investigations into miscarriages.

This whole "but it doesn't have a heartbeat" doesn't mean it isn't still a human growing inside its mother that if you simply leave it alone it will be born. How is it any different than if as soon as it's born you say "well it can't talk or even stand up so it isn't a human being so I'll end it's life". The only difference is you're saying it's ok to end the babies life before it has grown it's heart and ending it's life before it can talk, both are just ways to justify ending a babies life.

Well, no, it's a potential human, and after you factor out failure to attach, miscarriages, and abortions, the vast majority of fetuses never become humans.
Paraphrasing Bill Burr:

"I used to be pro-choice but I started thinking and well.. let's just say if....
  • If I dedicated my time to go get all the ingredients to create a cake
  • If I dedicated my time to mix those ingredients to what is known to make a cake
  • If I put those ingredients into the oven that is known to create what is known as a cake

And then YOU come over, open the oven, take the dish out, and throw my baking cake on the ground, shattering the glass and splashing the batter across the kitchen floor... I'd say... :YOU RUINED MY F*CKING CAKE!"

And if you try to say "Well it wasn't a cake yet!" I'll say "WELL IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A CAKE IF YOU HADN'T DONE THE SHIT THAT YOU DID!!!"

The problem with that logic is that the Oven doesn't have a choice to bake the cake or not, nor will it suffer ill effects from baking the cake.

So what we need to to is program the oven with AI, and give it the option of having a cake, instead of taking away a woman's choice as to whether or not to be a mother.
The problem with that logic is that the Oven doesn't have a choice to bake the cake or not, nor will it suffer ill effects from baking the cake.

So what we need to to is program the oven with AI, and give it the option of having a cake, instead of taking away a woman's choice as to whether or not to be a mother.
Again she had the choice pre pregnancy
No they are DEAD.
A HUMAN fetus is HUMAN LIFE at conception until death.
You seem to be sure when life begins but vague about when life ends. When is a human being dead? If a person is in a coma and a brain scan shows activity are they dead? If a person is in a coma and a brain scan shows NO activity are they dead?

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