Debate Now Honest Debate About Abortion: Rules Posted

Again, you said a "human" can only be called as such if they have articulate speech and are able to stand upright.

By that logic, it would be okay to kill a 6 month old baby.

Perhaps you should drop the "dictionary-only" approach and attempt to dabble into the actual issue. You're like a robot here, one that is advocating for infanticide.

Except that's not what he said at all.
so getting away from the tired discussion about fetuses being just like people because they have human DNA...

Here's the problem with the anti-choice position. They want largely unenforceable laws.

A woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant, not matter what the laws are. By the time Roe put the Abortion Laws out of their misery in 1973, most women who wanted to end an unwanted pregnancy went into their OB/GYN's office, got an abortion, and the doctor wrote down something else on the chart.

It's like you guys learn nothing from history. Look at Prohibition. How long did it take clever people, from the guy making bathtub gin to Al Capone, to figure out how to sneak in copious amounts of alcohol to people who wanted to get drunk?

Or for a more modern example, look at the prostitution laws. Sure, Prostitution is illegal in 49 of the 50 states. And you could have no problem finding someone willing to have sex for money on line, or at a strip club, or an adult book store, or a massage parlor. Why? Because for the most part, the police don't consider it worth their time to enforce these laws. Sure, around election time, they'll send out some cops to hassle the streetwalkers. But mostly, they just don't care.

So when you guys get your abortion laws, police won't put a priority on enforcing them, prosecutors won't put a priority on bringing cases, and juries won't convict. Heck, if I ever found myself on a jury for an abortion case, I wouldn't care if you had the provider tossing globby the fetus across the room and yelling "THREE POINTS" when it hit the medical waste container, I'm still voting to acquit. So will a lot of other people.

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