Zone1 Abortion is a bellwether issue

No, it would not have. Thats why abolition was never passed by Congress.
Yes it would. Only the South had slavery. The population of the South was substantially less than the reset of the US. Further, the US population was growing massively by that time, and it wasn't growing in the South.
No. Thanks to steel and coal. They didn't need slaves. They had immigrants.
You really are an ignoramus. Cotton drove the Industrial Revolution.

You really are an ignoramus. Cotton drove the Industrial Revolution.

The South thought that. The British showed them.
Abortion is a bellwether issue. If you don't "get" why abortion is wrong, I can't explain it to you. If you understand it's wrong, none of the standard "pro-choice" arguments will persuade you.
And if you can't "get" why individual bodily sovereignty is more important than the intrusive desires of busybodies to right all wrongs with government, well - I actually can explain it to you. But I doubt you'd listen. You'd rather jerk it to a self-righteous orgasm.

If statists such as yourself get their way, all rights are at risk. If we authorize government to police the contents of our bodies, all bets are off and the totalitarian state you desire is assured.

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