If a mother killing her own unborn child isn't wrong, then really, is anything wrong?

If you deny all rights to life in the womb then it's property. Just like blacks were when they were slaves. Their owners could do anything they wanted to them. They could rape them. They could beat them. They could sell them. They could kill them? Why? Because they weren't human. They were property to be disposed of at the will of their owners.
That's because it's the perfect analogy. Or didn't you read the SCOTUS Dred Scott decision?
It's not. I explained this to you earlier. Slavery is a legal imposition, pregnancy is a biological one. What right does one individual have to impose on another, biologically, against their will? A better analogy would be you arguing the equivalent of thinking you have a right to tap someone's veins against their will just because you need blood.
It's not. I explained this to you earlier. Slavery is a legal imposition, pregnancy is a biological one. What right does one individual have to impose on another, biologically, against their will? A better analogy would be you arguing the equivalent of thinking you have a right to tap someone's veins against their will just because you need blood.
I get your need to rationalize. If my beliefs were as incongruent as yours I'd probably do the same thing.
I get your need to rationalize. If my beliefs were as incongruent as yours I'd probably do the same thing.
Of course you should be rational you dumb Bingo. The opposite would be irrationality. How stupid are you? :dunno:
Of course you should be rational you dumb Bingo. The opposite would be irrationality. How stupid are you? :dunno:
No need to rationalize. If life in the womb has no rights then it's property to be disposed of at the will of it's owner.
Certain issues, like abortion, represent a clear-cut moral issue.

If politicians and judges get it wrong, it is up to us, the American people to make them understand.

We haven't faced a crisis like this since the days of legalized slavery.

There will always be those who will excuse evil in the name of expedience.

Not every fetus is viable. Very few Women and Girls want a baby conceived through rape and/incest. Forced pregnancy is wrong. Abortion should be left to the Mother and the doctor, NOT the government
No need to rationalize. If life in the womb has no rights then it's property to be disposed of at the will of it's owner.
Of course we need to rational you dumb Bingo. Rights come from society, they don't happen because of magic.
If you think about it atheists have it easier because they don't believe in right and wrong. Only satisfying their needs.
Of course we need to rational you dumb Bingo. Rights come from society, they don't happen because of magic.
Morals are effectively standards and exist for logical reasons. No magic necessary. Of course if you are an atheist standards don't matter either. Just the satisfaction of material and primitive needs.
If you think about it atheists have it easier because they don't believe in right and wrong. Only satisfying their needs.
Realists don't believe in objective right or wrong. That shit isn't science. Right and wrong for me is whatever the fuck I say it is.
Realists don't believe in objective right or wrong. That shit isn't science. Right and wrong for me is whatever the fuck I say it is.
ahhh... there it is. Proof positive that atheists see no distinction between right and wrong.

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