All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Yeah, here's the thing... The Arabs don't like the Persians, but they hate the Zionists more.

Remember the Gulf War. Most of the Arab world was upset about what Saddam was doing, but they wanted no help from Israel.

I remember one time that Larry King had a Saudi official on his show, and he tried to get the guy to say it was a good thing that the Zionists blew up the Osirik reactor in 1982. He wouldn't do it.
Jew haters everywhere resent the Israelis for creating such an excellent country with no oil wealth.
It's only an excellent Country for Jews, if you think living next to people who want to murder you is excellent.

I would probably find that kind of stressful.
You have just explained why the Palestinians should move before the Israelis deport them.
it is actually an excellent country for all of its citizens, not just Jews

Right, that's why so many of them a resorting to terrorism, because it's so awesome for them.

You have just explained why the Palestinians should move before the Israelis deport them.

Ethnic Cleansing is considered a crime against humanity. Even against non-white people.
Well, that doesn't at all address what I wrote. Thanks.
Sure it does.

There's a great movie called The Battle of Algiers... where the French have captured a rebel leader in Algeria, and the French Press ask him why he puts bombs in women's baskets, and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs from planes? We'd happily trade our baskets for your planes."

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