Vance refers to the Georgia shooting as a "fact of life."

Effective security. Like most Dems you equate trying with succeeding.
Like you, most MAGA cultists don’t actually care about this problem and chalk it up to being a fact of life in a country with hundreds of millions of guns.

You’ll “try” something with no intention of succeeding.
Like you, most MAGA cultists don’t actually care about this problem and chalk it up to being a fact of life in a country with hundreds of millions of guns.

You’ll “try” something with no intention of succeeding.

And like most gun grabbers you think disarming law abiding citizens will somehow prevent these things.
So the solution is more security at every location...all the time?
It’s not the entire solution.

Stop teaching kids lies like transgenderism is a start.

Teaching kids about God and making them God-fearing is the real solution. A parenting solution, not a government solution.
You can think it's a bad plan, you can't say he had no plan.
Seeing as how security has not stopped the crimes...more security seems to be a non-starter.

Yes. The armed school resource officer engaged the shooter quickly after he killed four people.

It was very successful in stopping him from killing anyone else. He killed two teachers, if they had been armed, success would have come sooner.
Yeah, if only we could compare to other countries where there is no second amendment.

Don't worry, many of those other countries with lower gun violence will see overall violence increase as the Muslims they invited start showing their mettle.

Like what is happening in Great Britain right now.
Don't worry, many of those other countries with lower gun violence will see overall violence increase as the Muslims they invited start showing their mettle.

Like what is happening in Great Britain right now.
Jesus, you really have toxic MAGA brain disease.

The conservative playbook here is pretend like you care and do nothing until it all blows over.
Don't worry, many of those other countries with lower gun violence will see overall violence increase as the Muslims they invited start showing their mettle.

Like what is happening in Great Britain right now.
Ahh, xenophobia is now the cause. I thought you guys said it was violent video games--at least when Kleibold and Harris (members of the well regulated militia) shot up Columbine...that is what you guys blamed. Now it’s muslims.

Was the shooter in Georgia a muslim?
So again, now you’re talking about having more officers, and more guns...right...that is their “solution”?
Schools can’t afford to pay art teachers anymore and are ending their programs but we can afford to hire a small police force for every school.

Sure guys.

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