Latest school shooter was.....

One of the biggest idiots on this site calling half of American voters mental deviants?

Oh, nowhere near half support you Marxists.

Too bad the FBI dropped the ball again. Their track record is very poor and that organization needs a complete overhaul.
The FBI are not made up of psychics. Even they could not predict the shooter's moronic father would give his son an AR-15.
Trans phobia, hate and stupidity in one MAGA package. You people get crazier and more cut off from reality by the day.
There is very little transphobia. Trannies are for the most part fine. But there is a subset that are extremely violent.

Those are the ones that everyone should keep an eye on.
Muscle car enthusiasts. Vintage car racers. Airplane pilots. Competitive fencers. I can go on and on.
You are total fucking idiot and you prove it with your every post.

Of course there are very violent car enthusiasts.
You are total fucking idiot and you prove it with your every post.

Of course there are very violent car enthusiasts.
You are even worse. You asked for groups. I gave you a bunch.

Go cry to your mom.
You are even worse. You asked for groups. I gave you a bunch.

Go cry to your mom.

I asked for groups that your statement wouldn't be true for.

You've posted ludecrous bullshit about how car enthusiasts are supposedly never extremely violent.
I asked for groups that your statement wouldn't be true for.

You've posted ludecrous bullshit about how car enthusiasts are supposedly never extremely violent.
I gave them to you. Do you think trannies aren't a grouo?
All I know is the FBI got their guy, to shoot up a school at a politically convenient time. Let us not forget their success or failure, in this endeavor.
Yup. The fbi spends tens of millions every year on behavioral sciences to help figure who unknown killers are.

Seems kind of strange that they always know who these shooters are but never seem to do anything about them.

Unless they are.....
Imagine that, trannies are fucked up in the head. Who would have ever thought?
Not every person who commits mass shootings is a tranny, MAGA dupe. But who would have ever thought that the hate you MAGA types engage in on a daily basis towards anyone who is different mirrors the same as what that shooter & others had running thru their heads?
Not going to bring up the fact that the shooter was supposedly a tranny, hate monger?

The last 7 or so mass shooters have been trannies, with the exception of the INCEL in Texas.

It's pretty obvious that violent trannies are becoming a problem.

The kids father and mother were degenerate assholes ....mother was a meth head...easy target for public school activist groomers who call themselves teachers and guidance counselors ...

Dad was a complete failure

You're a low IQ hick idiot just like his parents and credentialed slob brainwashed teachers .....
It's assholes like you who allow 14 yr olds to own AR's & other weapons who can't even drive yet or buy a pack of cigs.

Shouldn't you be out somewhere playing GI Joe, puss gut?
The FBI are not made up of psychics. Even they could not predict the shooter's moronic father would give his son an AR-15.
They could do this thing called FOLLOW UP. Don't worry though other federal agencies like the Department of Education share some blame. If left solely to the states, schools wouldn't be preaching faggotry.

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