A minimum of $27 an hour is the wage needed in America for a modest one bedroom apartment.

I bought my first house in 1986. It was a small 3-bedroom ranch. It was nearly $80,000 in North Charleston, SC. I sold it a year later at nearly the same price. I was making $17,000 a year in the Navy. I even had my father-in-law living with us though he did not pay any on the mortgage.
Having to work your way up and into a better way of life is too hard, unfair and only people we hate can actually do it
Lib 101
Home loans were 15 years back in the 80's. Government policy to guarantee loans of 30 years against default resulted in the dramatic rise in home prices
30 year mortgages available since the 70’s
Lots of mistaken comments in this section once again from those who don’t have nor experience opining on the way (they feel) things are (should be)
Two people sharing an apartment is friends and/or family. Something that communism always tries to weaken. Communist nations prefer multiple families crowded in apartments as we often have with illegal aliens here.

Exactly. Because government told people where to live instead of a free market for real estate. Multiple families wouldn't choose to live together unless they were escaping an even worse situation.

Then let us remember in November that the Democrats and their operatives spend the majority of 2020 dreaming up and enforcing rules designed to keep us isolated from each other - outdoing even their Soviet role models in that respect.

The feminist movement was hugely successful in stamping out "traditional masculinity." Today's young males are scarcely recognizable as the same demographic as the young men with whom I grew up.

One point I wanted you to pick up on from my one-sentence post is that we have long been a two-income economy. Feminists insisted women go to work and not be "just a housewife." Employers loved it. Women in the office and behind cash registers worked almost as cheaply as illegal aliens and they smelled nicer. Prices simply went up in response to the greater number of dollars an extra breadwinner brought in, so there was no rise in standard of living.

In fact, a man working a semi-skilled job could afford a house for his stay-at-home wife and children in the fifties. Try that today.

It's terrible, but there is not much we can do to change it. We can cry about it or adapt and overcome.

This is how government worshippers alway do you. They make it very difficult for an individual to succeed on their own, and then ridicule the idea of pair bonding and family teamwork that gives people a chance in the economy they themselves created.

It is much easier to understand Democrats when you realize that the failure of individuals is not a side effect of their policies, it is the goal of them.

I'm not sure what you're hearing from Trump supporters. Every Trump supporter I know complains about the Harris-Biden inflationary policies.

Let me ask you this, since I'm not sure where you are coming from: If a young person wants to live in an apartment all their own, do I as a taxpayer and/or consumer somehow owe them that at the cost of my own financial goals?
I’m not opposed to women working. I was pointing out the changing culture of the USA that’s been going on for some time. Where in the past one man could afford to take care of his entire family. We could even say one person could take care of their entire family. It just happened to almost always be a man.

Also, the nuclear family is not as strong today as it was in the past. It might be harder for people to find others to share an apartment with. But that’s not the American goal. One individual having their own apartment should be able to be secured in the United States. We’re not talking about a Third World country here.

The point about costs is very straightforward on my part. 40 years ago the average 25-year-old made twice as much in salary compared to today. We need to ask Why is this the case? Something is not adding up here. We have a combination of bad leader ship and a CEO class that is not what it used to be. Those are the main concerns. These things cannot be put on young Americans. The solution is to have better leadership and a stronger CEO class.

Bad government policies got us to where we are today with regards to printing trillions of dollars in stimulus money. And locking people down during the coronavirus. Now we have to have better leadership to take us out of this inflation therefore lowering the price of renting an apartment or owning a home.

Because the take away is even if two or four people share an apartment or a house the prices are astronomical compared to what they were under Trump. That’s should concern each American.

No, I don’t believe in free money or free handouts. As for raising the minimum wage, it could be a conversation, but that is beside the points listed. Slightly raising or lowering the minimum wage will not affect the status quo. Trillions in stimulus payments otoh during Covid turned out to be a disaster. Jacking up inflation big-time. That was the definition of free money. People getting those stimulus payments for literally doing nothing. If someone gets a raise at work at least they’re working.
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Living with parents, saving, makes sense until one has built up a sizeable savings. A new way for a young adult.
So what responsible thinkers do is make their living space match their income rather than wailing that they need more income to get the comfortable quarters they wish for
Is that what responsible thinkers do?
Or is it the ignorant that make such a hateful statement.

Wailers? What makes you think people are wailing. The fact that you think people are wailing says more about you then anything else. For one, it shows you are trolling. I can go on about your choice of using that word, at the least it shows you have much ignorance
So what responsible thinkers do is make their living space match their income rather than wailing that they need more income to get the comfortable quarters they wish for
Responsible thinkers, which you are not. A responsible thinker does not comment outside their experience.

You have no idea of what goes on outside of what you see in your tiny little world.
That number goes up to over $32 an hour being necessary as a wage for a two bedroom apartment. Now a lot of new families in America that are starting to have children cannot afford to buy a house. It’s out of the realm of possibility because of the price of homes and 3x mortgage rates under Biden compared to Trump. So if they can afford to they are left with renting. Others have to live with their parents or in laws.

As I’ve said many times this is the greatest issue in this country. The general cost-of-living including food, housing, clothing, automobiles, etc. Especially for the America first people they know this I think they accept it, but the Democrats seem to be either unaware of it or they don’t care about it. They are busy calling Trump a white supremacist or a sexist. Saying we need to “save democracy” by voting for Harris without knowing her policies. Or The foreign wars which have no effect on America and our funding of them.

This issue needs to be front and center for Republicans and Democrats. They can talk about the foreign wars. And other issues, but this certainly is the number one issue. Simply put a weaker America would lead to a weaker world.
Bidenomics at work!
Son of a bitch, I was off by ten years. Such a huge fucking mistake. Feel better than us, now, bravo.
I would say referencing the 80’s when in fact it was the 70’s has a range of error up to 20. It was an incorrect assertion again from a know nothing who is now trying to attack the party who knew better and pointed it out.
Is that what responsible thinkers do?
Or is it the ignorant that make such a hateful statement.

Wailers? What makes you think people are wailing. The fact that you think people are wailing says more about you then anything else. For one, it shows you are trolling. I can go on about your choice of using that word, at the least it shows you have much ignorance
Oh boo hoo just burst for that it’s cruel to assert discipline and responsibility and good economic sense
Continue to fritter your own life away while assailing those who don’t
You are crying about not being able to afford a place to live. I conquered that when I was 24. Do you live with parent(s)?
Bidenomics at work!
Results are much better than Trumponomics (unless you like recessions)


Results are much better than Trumponomics (unless you like recessions)


You mean like how middle class people are losing their homes, jobs, and are forced to use their credit cards to make ends meet under bidenomics?

Never happened under Trump.

You mean like how middle class people are losing their homes, jobs, and are forced to use their credit cards to make ends meet under bidenomics?

Never happened under Trump.


Can you cite specific statistics?

This is mostly a rhetorical question. I know you are full of half-baked bullshit as usual and can't meaningfuly support what you say.
I would say referencing the 80’s when in fact it was the 70’s has a range of error up to 20. It was an incorrect assertion again from a know nothing who is now trying to attack the party who knew better and pointed it out.
You assertion, shows you are a idiotic troll. You got me on your hook. Good job moron.

If you knew better you would ofvaddressed the topic, rationally. Claiming there is an error of 20 years really shows you have nothing in your life but you bitter brain

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