A minimum of $27 an hour is the wage needed in America for a modest one bedroom apartment.

Two massive spending programs, PP. They dumped trillions of dollars of printed government money into the economy as we were coming out of Covid lockdowns. It's basic Macro Economics. Too much money chasing too few goods will cause inflation. Larry Summers...Barack Obama's Chief Economist...warned that those spending programs would most likely cause rampant inflation and he was spot on with that prediction. Why there wasn't someone intelligent enough in the Biden Administration to see it coming concerns me.
Of course you would say that. After all, it’s much easier to point a finger and blame your political Nemesis than it is to do some research a gain an understanding of the issue before spouting off. Let’s take a look at the subject from a number of different sources. You will see that things are not as simple as you would like them to be

Causes of Inflation

Roosevelt Institute - The Causes of and Responses to Today’s Inflation

The evidence is overwhelming: were there no supply problems, aggregate demand would not be excessive. The inflation we’ve experienced is best understood as resulting from industry-specific problems that many Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries are facing. A strong labor market is part of the solution, not the problem.

Over the last couple years, the world has experienced the highest levels of inflation in more than four decades. There are multiple sources of economic disruption that have likely contributed to this inflation, most notably pandemic shutdowns and reopening and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Our analysis concludes that today’s inflation is largely driven by supply shocks and sectoral demand shifts, not by excess aggregate demand.

Monetary policy, then, is too blunt an instrument because it will greatly reduce inflation only at the cost of unnecessarily high unemployment, with severe adverse distributive consequences. This paper presents a variety of fiscal and other policy measures that hold out the prospect of having a more significant effect on inflation.

Breaking down inflation by sector reveals that it is tied to the obvious shocks and supply chain interruptions the economy has experienced, from high food and energy prices to the shortage of microchips for automobiles.

But there is even more to high prices…It’s not just inflation as defined above

The Truth About Inflation — Inequality Media with Robert Reich

The underlying problem is not inflation. It’s corporate power. The entire American economy is concentrated into the hands of a few greedy, corporate giants with the power to raise prices.

Now, prices are undeniably rising.

In response, the Fed is about to slow the economy — even though we’re still at least 4 million jobs short of where we were before the pandemic, and millions of American workers won’t get the raises they deserve.

Republicans haven’t wasted any time hammering Biden and Democratic lawmakers about inflation.

Everybody’s ignoring the deeper structural reason for price increases: the concentration of the American economy into the hands of a few corporate giants with the power to raise prices.

If the market were actually competitive, corporations would keep their prices as low as possible as they competed for customers.

Inflation and housing.

Historically, the price of existing homes has outpaced inflation while the cost of rentals is more closely tied to the inflation rate. There is another important difference between the cost of consumer goods and that of buying a home. Virtually all commodities other than a home are consumed and must be replaced. A home is an investment that appreciates. While the cost of buying a home is prohibitive for some, it creates wealth for others, which in turn meansmore money in the economy

Is There a Correlation Between Inflation and Home Prices?

  • Factors That Have Led to Increases in House Prices
  • A variety of factors influence housing prices. No single factor is the sole cause of rising costs.
  • Supply and demand is one of the key factors. There is a finite amount of space to build housing, yet the population of the United States has grown significantly over the past century.
Other influences include a low supply of affordable housing and zoning regulations that make constructing new housing, especially high-density housing difficult.

The pandemic has also played a role, boosting the prices of commodities, including those used in home construction. For example, lumber rose in price by 114% between May 2020 and May 2021. Rising demand for space to work at home and growing interest in moving from cities to suburbs also created higher churn levels, which can boost housing prices.2

The White House. "Housing Prices and Inflation."
Oh boo hoo just burst for that it’s cruel to assert discipline and responsibility and good economic sense
Continue to fritter your own life away while assailing those who don’t
Like I said you are troll. You dont know your ass from a hole in the ground. You have no idea how hard people work. I doubt you even have a job. You sound like a red diaper doper baby.
Under the header, "dimocraps are lying scum" comes this --

The August figures came in below expectations of 161,000 job gains.
The new report also shows notable revisions for months past: The economy added just 89,000 jobs in July--25,000 fewer than initially thought.
June's gains were revised down by 61,000 to 118,000.

Surprise, surprise. Gee-- that's almost half of June's jobs that turned out to be Fake Economic News.

You gotta be a real piece of shit to vote dimocrap

David Strom pounces, and then seizes, and then pounces again with a surprise Bonus Seize, upon the fact that over the past year, foreign workers made up 2,000,000+ of new hires, whereas native-born Americans lost 392,000 jobs.
No I’m killing you so you name call
Killing me by claiming there is a twenty year difference in a 10 year period, yes, you are that dumb.

Name calling, that is what you sought when you trolled. You were first, calling me a name.

Using your low standards of victory, I wiped the shit off my boots with you. You called me a name first, you insulted first, and now in your pure stupidity you claim victory when I replied as you began our tit for tat.

Morons, troll, flame, insult, name call, then when one replies in kind, the moron dribbkes spittle on his keyboard claiming some sort of victory.

Fuck, victory while not disproving a single point anybody made in this entire thread
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Surprise, surprise. Gee-- that's almost half of June's jobs that turned out to be Fake Economic News.

Yep, a Trumptard unable to do basic analysis. Surprise, surprise.

June's gains were revised down by 61,000 to 118,000.

That is a 33% revision to a number that is still decent job growth. Revisions are not uncommon and does not mean there is anything "fake" about initial estimate.
This response is insufficient and a form of trolling.

The OP is insufficient and a form of trolling.

My daughter was renting a 5 bedroom house in the city for $2600 a month on a postage stamp lot. She moved into a 5 bedroom house with a double garage on 2 acre parcel of land in rural Ontario for $1200 per month.

How much more per hour does she have to earn in the city just to pay her rent? Based on a 40 hour work week and a 4 week month, that would be $8.75 per hour more to pay rent in the city, over the rural rent.

I'd go with the party which truly is on the side of working Americans, and not the Party which crashed the economy every time they get into power.
Yep, a Trumptard unable to do basic analysis. Surprise, surprise.

June's gains were revised down by 61,000 to 118,000.

That is a 33% revision to a number that is still decent job growth. Revisions are not uncommon and does not mean there is anything "fake" about initial estimate.
David Strom pounces, and then seizes, and then pounces again with a surprise Bonus Seize, upon the fact that over the past year, foreign workers made up 2,000,000+ of new hires, whereas native-born Americans lost 392,000 jobs.
Yep, a Trumptard unable to do basic analysis. Surprise, surprise.

June's gains were revised down by 61,000 to 118,000.

That is a 33% revision to a number that is still decent job growth. Revisions are not uncommon and does not mean there is anything "fake" about initial estimate.
Job growth. What growth in the job market do you see
Job growth. What growth in the job market do you see
They only see what the DISGUSTING FILTH in the dimocrap scum Media Complex shows them. Asking them to use their own brain is a futile request.

Not only are they stupid, they are lazy.

The perfect dimocrap
BIG is how the job growth since 2020 is usualy described. Recent revisions don't change that.

In total there are 158 million jobs today compared to 151 million in 2019.
You did not answer the question, where in your life in your town, do you see growth beneficial to you.

I can admit that throwing trillions of dollars of tax money into the economy creates government jobs. Many of those jobs dissapear when the money is gone.

We dont need government spending jobs

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