A minimum of $27 an hour is the wage needed in America for a modest one bedroom apartment.

You did not answer the question, where in your life in your town, do you see growth beneficial to you.

I can admit that throwing trillions of dollars of tax money into the economy creates government jobs. Many of those jobs dissapear when the money is gone.

We dont need government spending jobs

Why don't you use the BLS data link I've provided and look at the number of government jobs in 2019 vs 2024.

Answer is because you are not competent at basic analysis. But if you were, you would see that only 0.6million jobs out of 7million new jobs were in government.
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Of course you would say that. After all, it’s much easier to point a finger and blame your political Nemesis than it is to do some research a gain an understanding of the issue before spouting off. Let’s take a look at the subject from a number of different sources. You will see that things are not as simple as you would like them to be

Causes of Inflation

Roosevelt Institute - The Causes of and Responses to Today’s Inflation

But there is even more to high prices…It’s not just inflation as defined above

The Truth About Inflation — Inequality Media with Robert Reich

Inflation and housing.

Historically, the price of existing homes has outpaced inflation while the cost of rentals is more closely tied to the inflation rate. There is another important difference between the cost of consumer goods and that of buying a home. Virtually all commodities other than a home are consumed and must be replaced. A home is an investment that appreciates. While the cost of buying a home is prohibitive for some, it creates wealth for others, which in turn meansmore money in the economy

Is There a Correlation Between Inflation and Home Prices?

The White House. "Housing Prices and Inflation."
What in all of THAT is supposed to "educate" me about inflation? You learn in Econ 101 that inflation is typically caused by too much money chasing too few goods. You bringing up the fact that there was a supply chain issue doesn't excuse Biden's poor fiscal policy...it actually makes it MORE idiotic! When someone like a Larry Summers cautions that huge government spending programs when there is already pent up demand and short supply is creating a perfect storm for rampant inflation you would think that our leaders would heed that caution!
With effort and scrutiny one can make $50 go every bit as far as it did in 1980
Libs are undisciplined and unlearning
The OP is insufficient and a form of trolling.

My daughter was renting a 5 bedroom house in the city for $2600 a month on a postage stamp lot. She moved into a 5 bedroom house with a double garage on 2 acre parcel of land in rural Ontario for $1200 per month.

How much more per hour does she have to earn in the city just to pay her rent? Based on a 40 hour work week and a 4 week month, that would be $8.75 per hour more to pay rent in the city, over the rural rent.

I'd go with the party which truly is on the side of working Americans, and not the Party which crashed the economy every time they get into power.
With all due respect, Dragonlady the Democratic Party isn't the party of "working Americans" and hasn't been for quite some time now! They're now the party of Coastal Elites and those getting entitlements. The reason that rank and file members of labor unions are switching over to support Donald Trump over Biden or Harris is that they do BETTER financially under Trump than they do under progressive Democrats!
Why don't you use the BLS data link I've provided and look at the number of government jobs in 2019 vs 2024.

Answer is because you are not competent at basic analysis. But if you were, you would see that only 0.6million jobs out of 7million new jobs were in government.
Numbers on the internet no matter who, politically, put them there, are meaningless.

I asked a simple honest question that you have no answer to. Not answering my question explains all I need to know.
The Inflation Reduction Act? Ring a bell?
Yes it does, but not as any sort of a reasonable suspect as a significant inflation component.

1. Look at the timeline - inflation shot up well before implementation.
2. Look at the volume - it's a small fraction of inflation volume, especially considering that post-covid inflation was a GLOBAL phenomenon.
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Numbers on the internet no matter who, politically, put them there, are meaningless.

I asked a simple honest question that you have no answer to. Not answering my question explains all I need to know.

The answer is simple, government jobs grew 1 to 10 compared to private market growth.

Your thesis, that job growth was only in government jobs, is made up bullshit.
That is not an answer to the question I asked.

Reckless government spending does create, temporary private sector jobs.

Start acknowkedging facts.

There has been nothing "temporary" about the jobs gained since 2020.

You have some half-baked ideological fantasies in your head that you confuse for facts.
There has been nothing "temporary" about the jobs gained since 2020.

You have some half-baked ideological fantasies in your head that you confuse for facts.
Under democrat dictatorships you are right. Democrats plan to dump $300 trillion into the economy to fundamentally change our country into a Marxist controlled people.

You are right, Democrat reckless unconstitutional spending on the millionaires and billionaires they are freinds with will never end.

I knew you could not give an honest reply to a simple question. You are right, only Trump can stop the decline of our society

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