Mike Pence Voting For Kamala Harris?

Pence never showed any loyalty to Trump. The guy has always been weak.
I checked

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
Pence owed no loyalty to Trump, he gave an oath committing his loyalty to the Constitution. I mean come on. If this country demanded loyalty to the president, rather it is his VP or members of his cabinet, there would be no 25th amendment.

I mean you Trumptards are precisely that, absolutely retarded.


I mean that shit is damn right scary. I mean listen to yourself. Loyalty to a president, FUCK THAT. I mean do you people even realize that this country was actually formed because of an unwillingness to be loyal to the King? My country, right or wrong. Sure, makes a nice quote, I am sure no one knows the damn background of that quote.

I mean it is getting ridiculous. Sure, Pence is probably voting for Harris, as are many REAL conservatives. Conservatism is based on principles, not on a person. And I understand, it takes at least some level of intelligence to understand principles. It doesn't take any to blindly follow a person.

what are you waiting for?

Get your ass out of your basement and take action.

Fucking pussies always calling for this but never willing to do anything themselves

I'm not trained for combat and Winston, Pence didn't show any loyalty to the constitution either.
Reading Pence's Twitter feed, I don't get the impression he is going to vote for Kumalla.
Here's a sample:

Mike Pence

Kamala Harris Dons a Capital-Gains Tax Disguise: She’d raise the rate by nearly 40%—to its highest level since the 1970s. - WSJ
Kamala Harris Dons a Capital-Gains Tax Disguise
Opinion | Kamala Harris Dons a Capital-Gains Tax Disguise

From wsj.com

4:55 AM · Sep 6, 2024
So, make more than a million dollars you have to pay the regular rate on capital gains that you pay on your income. Cry me a damn river. I bust my damn ass for a living. I am in the 24% tax bracket. How in the hell does it make sense, that someone sitting on their damn ass, a "coupon clipper", and someone impress me and tell me what a coupon clipper is. But why should they pay a lower income tax rate on their capital gains?

In Economics it is called the misallocation of resources. Tax policies can skew the decision making process, for good or for bad. Taxing capital gains less than earned income is an example of skewing it to the bad.

That scene really says it all. I mean you got a doctor, probably spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on medical school. Busts his ass treating people, curing people, doing what he was trained to do. But he gets taxed more on that income than he does on what he makes playing the stock market. How the hell does that make sense and who does it benefit?

Encourages investment? Bullshit, buying stocks is not investing, it is saving, period. I can get into that if you like. But when the doctor bought that stock the company didn't get a damn dime. You know who got money--the trading firm, the boiler room if you will. It is just stupid.
No, but betraying your friends and your country is.

Look up.
I quoted the vice-presidential oath. Where does it say anything about being loyal to the president? And yes, per Pence's understanding, he did defend the Constitution. Trump has clearly indicated he doesn't give two shits about the Constitution. That, in an of itself, should be cause for impeachment when he was president, and certainly a good reason never to vote for his sorry fat orange ass again.
I quoted the vice-presidential oath. Where does it say anything about being loyal to the president? And yes, per Pence's understanding, he did defend the Constitution. Trump has clearly indicated he doesn't give two shits about the Constitution. That, in an of itself, should be cause for impeachment when he was president, and certainly a good reason never to vote for his sorry fat orange ass again.

Yeah well Kamala Harris has claimed the no tax on tips idea as her own but we all know that that's not true either.
I know that the Liz Cheney thing is true because I saw a video of her saying that but I thought that she was always either a democrat or a RINO. (I don't know much about her anyways.)

This is the only article I can currently find about Pence supporting Harris though so I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I wouldn't push it past him though.

It is ALL of the 911 TRAITORS, all of 'em.


And as for all the moronic SUBS here posting that Kamala is "anti israel," if she is why are all the 911 Traitors supporting her...

Kamala is OWNED by JEWISH MONEY, always has been.
I'm not trained for combat and Winston, Pence didn't show any loyalty to the constitution either.
I put Eagle on my ignore list a while ago. Has zero morals, I tried to reason with him, but it isn't worth it. Him wanting you to go to war is like you putting a non wrestler in the ring with a WWE wrestler and ringing the bell. You will be torn apart.
I checked

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
Pence owed no loyalty to Trump, he gave an oath committing his loyalty to the Constitution. I mean come on. If this country demanded loyalty to the president, rather it is his VP or members of his cabinet, there would be no 25th amendment.

I mean you Trumptards are precisely that, absolutely retarded.


I mean that shit is damn right scary. I mean listen to yourself. Loyalty to a president, FUCK THAT. I mean do you people even realize that this country was actually formed because of an unwillingness to be loyal to the King? My country, right or wrong. Sure, makes a nice quote, I am sure no one knows the damn background of that quote.

I mean it is getting ridiculous. Sure, Pence is probably voting for Harris, as are many REAL conservatives. Conservatism is based on principles, not on a person. And I understand, it takes at least some level of intelligence to understand principles. It doesn't take any to blindly follow a person.

Just because Road Runner is a Trump supporter, it doesn't mean to insult and attack her. I have a 160 IQ and I voted Trump in 2020. Pence owed loyalty to Trump as the Vice President. And you are citing CNN, which is unreliable for conservatives. You don't know that real conservatives won't vote for the Border Czar Harris. The reason, she will tear this nation apart by letting even MORE illegals in this country.
I put Eagle on my ignore list a while ago. Has zero morals, I tried to reason with him, but it isn't worth it. Him wanting you to go to war is like you putting a non wrestler in the ring with a WWE wrestler and ringing the bell. You will be torn apart.

Eagle has his good points but unfortunately I rarely see them.

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