Should a 14 yr old be trialed as an adult?

all that matters is that they know the difference between right and wrong.

And how would you prove that?

I also do believe there is more required. One has to have empathy and appreciate the act. Not just on everyone elses life but their own.

How many young are going through changes and want to commit suicide, but they dont? How many engage in reckless activities because they dont appreciate the risks.

As I said, it's not a simple subject, especially for serious crimes of murder etc. There is a reason police have Agent Provocateurs, and in Canada they target the young and the poor for a reason. I've stated on here before, its their "sweet spot". To manufacture and groom criminals and threats of the dumb with impulsive crimes while mastermind crime organizations and human traffickers make millions off the sorrow of others.
I am voting no, 14 is not an adult nor are their brains fully developed..his mother is/was a drug addict and his father an idiot
So a 14 year old is old enough to get gender reassignment, but not old enough to stand trial as an adult. Got ya..

No. This is why pedos are able to get away with what they do, they use excuses. Though there can be some very rare exceptions, but they are for the 1% of circumstances for the 1% of crimes.

A childs mind is not fully formed until far later, and it is the mind that drives behaviour. At that age it is driven solely by impulse and emotion, logic is lacking. They are easily guided or misguided. In fact, I think scientists proved that a persons brain doesn't fully form until age 24, scary but probably quite accurate.

If we don't draw a line at an agreed upon age where do we? At what age? Should they also be allowed to vote, drink, drive a car, alter their gender? What if a 4 year old does the same?

I understand it's a very difficult issue, especially for the family or those in the justice system, but society has to delineate the differences between adults and non adults. I will be honest, I don't think someone is an adult at 18 and many mentally and emotionally mature even later. I know I wasn't an adult until probably 21 or 22. 21 Is probably the better age where they can assess circumstances and appreciate their decisions, the impact on others and themselves, not look for immediate gratification.

When I interact with many adults today I see a lack of maturity at times. It's as if the world has gone mad. People killing others due to road rage. Murdering kids working at fast food places because their food isn't hot or they get the order wrong.

It's mad mad world. The young don't even have mature role models to emulate.
It's as if the world has gone mad. People killing others due to road rage. Murdering kids working at fast food places because their food isn't hot or they get the order wrong.
It all goes back to the sanctity of life, if an innocent baby can be murdered and torn apart for "science" people soon become nulled by such brutality. Thank the Marxists for that.
I am voting no, 14 is not an adult nor are their brains fully developed..his mother is/was a drug addict and his father an idiot
Absolutely yes. This little shit has been threatening to shoot up a school for over a year.

Some people are psychopaths. This is one of them.

Put them down like you would a rabid dog.
I am voting no, 14 is not an adult nor are their brains fully developed..his mother is/was a drug addict and his father an idiot
Anyone old enough to commit mass murder is old enough to be tried for it like anyone else. I couldn't care less about his brain being developed. You go on this forum and see all the time people who don't have a developed brain! And they are way over the age of 40!

All joking aside (although that was not really a joke.. It is very true)

What about Crooks? What if some bleeding heart liberal had been in the Secret Service (I mean, besides Cheatle) and didn't want to shoot him dead because he was so young?

Execute mass murderers
You will never be as smart or achieve 5% of what she has accomplished! You are just an internet trolling wise-ass on a comment board! Congrates on your lifetime goal!
What has the bimbo accomplished?

Be specific.
You will never be as smart or achieve 5% of what she has accomplished! You are just an internet trolling wise-ass on a comment board! Congrates on your lifetime goal!

There must be some sort of humor, i.e. brain function, amongst the zombie cult we call democrats.........................or not.

Ok friend, I will help you out to gain more humorless brain-dead cult members

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Yes. Anyone with the capability to plan an attack has sufficient capacity to be tried as an adult, found guilty, and executed.
I find a post by you that I am 1000% behind.

I pray you find answers for your other, not so clear-cut or logical.. uh... thoughts
One has to have empathy and appreciate the act.
HUH? Those with empathy do not murder others!
How many young are going through changes and want to commit suicide, but they dont? How many engage in reckless activities because they dont appreciate the risks.
very different from murdering total strangers
As I said, it's not a simple subject, especially for serious crimes of murder etc. T

I don't think it is half as complicated as you and others think. We cannot have a safe or even half-way safe society (perfection will never be attained in this life) if we allow people to go around doing all these mass shootings. Most people here know I'm Catholic, may accuse me of going against Catholic teaching but I do not go against TRUE Catholic teaching (as opposed to Vatican sect teachings). The real Catholic Church has always been in favor of the death penalty for those who are clearly guilty of murder. And again, I don't see why society should make a difference due to age. They certainly do not take age into consideration when abortion laws are enacted. I mean, a child can be murdered if he or she is inconvenient, and in some states, that' up to the 9th month and these are humans who have murdered NO ONE.

I hope that dude gets the death penalty.. which he gave to his victims.

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