Both men are too old..... Biden has a brain and Trump has a mouth not to mention

Aren't you enraged that you now find out you have been lied to by your Democratic Party and your Democratic Media? How do you ignore the growing revolt against Biden IN YOUR OWN PARTY AND MEDIA? :dunno:

So the logical choice for the left is a brain damaged old man who isn't going to get better and has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button while his junkie crack head son runs foreign policy. TDS has to be a mental disorder.
Again, at the risk of repeating myself..again. Anyone who saw the debate, thought the same thing.
At the same time, the other is a worse option. Difference is, his side won't do anything about him. :)
Anyone? The majority of your criminal Party still supports Biden or has maintained their silence. The Trump wave is coming and it will wash out all the Obama leftovers and Stalinists who are destroying the country.
Trump is so much better than any democrat since Clinton. HAHAHA. Stop with with Trump is bad stuff. Social Media and the government media is bad. Policies are what matter.
So the logical choice for the left is a brain damaged old man who isn't going to get better and has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button while his junkie crack head son runs foreign policy. TDS has to be a mental disorder.
I really don't understand democrats.
Both men are too old.

Biden has a brain and Trump has a mouth

Trump has been indicted 4 times and is a convicted felon and has financial dealings with the Russia mob.

Trump was part of the Jan6th Insurrection thus No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector or President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State ...
Fourteenth Amendment Section 3 | Constitution Annotated › amendment-14 › secti...
Odd that hyperpartisan Garland and Smith didn't charge him with insurrection.
It almost seems that the situation (engineered?) is so serious that the State may have to take extraordinary (unconstitutional?) steps to save us from ourselves. This could get good fast.

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