we can say sure Trump can run BUT he cannot hold any office with within the federal,state or local offices of government.

A "gentle" reminder of the FACTS for those with a foggy memory.

Not at all.

Trump disbanded the Pandemic Response Team

He Threw out the Pandemic response plan because Obama came up with it.

He told people that the Virus would be done by Easter. And then by summer.

He told people to inject bleach

He downplayed Covid to not panick the markets.

He openly resisted mask wearing.

He fumbled the Vaccine Rollout (probably too busy plotting a coup.)

Just a Gentle Reminder of what a complete fuckup Trump was on Covid.
/----/ We made no mistake. But whatever helps you sleep at night.
Meanwhile, your guy finally got it right when he called them illegals.
View attachment 915585
He shouldn't have called him illegal because he HAD been legally granted asylum under the laws that have been in place since the 1960's.

When your side starts doing something about the 43,000 gun deaths a year, I'll start worrying about the handful of people who are involved in crimes committed by undocumented immigrants.
He shouldn't have called him illegal because he HAD been legally granted asylum under the laws that have been in place since the 1960's.

When your side starts doing something about the 43,000 gun deaths a year, I'll start worrying about the handful of people who are involved in crimes committed by undocumented immigrants.
/----/ " 43,000 gun deaths a year,"
When your side decides to enforce the gun laws already on the books, reinstate bail, and crack down on criminals smuggling fentanyl over the border I'll start worry about your precious illegals.
/----/ " 43,000 gun deaths a year,"
When your side decides to enforce the gun laws already on the books, reinstate bail, and crack down on criminals smuggling fentanyl over the border I'll start worry about your precious illegals.

We already lock up 2 million people.
the gun laws on the books are inadequate.
Fentanyl is only a problem because Big Pharma got the country hooked on Opioids.
We already lock up 2 million people.
the gun laws on the books are inadequate.
Fentanyl is only a problem because Big Pharma got the country hooked on Opioids.
/----/ 1. Then we need to lock up 3 million. 2. No law is effective if it isn't enforced. 3. Wrong, I was a pharma rep for Fentanyl back in the 1990s. Fentanyl is a safe and effective anesthetic when administered by a professional. It became a problem because drug addicts want cheaper narcotics, and it's cheaper than cocaine to produce, plus you only need a small amount.
/----/ 1. Then we need to lock up 3 million.
Whose gonna pay for that? They can't find guards to man the prisons we have now.

2. No law is effective if it isn't enforced.
The problem is these laws are unenforceable if guns are so freely available.

The two things we always find out after a mass shooting.

1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was nuts.
2) He was able to get a gun with no problem, anyway.

3. Wrong, I was a pharma rep for Fentanyl back in the 1990s. Fentanyl is a safe and effective anesthetic when administered by a professional. It became a problem because drug addicts want cheaper narcotics, and it's cheaper than cocaine to produce, plus you only need a small amount.
Ah, I'm reminded of Upton Sinclair's declaration that you can't get a man to understand a problem if their paycheck depends on them NOT understanding it.
Again, the Dems are the ones that want the Uni-party.
Actually, what I want is two parties that debate, compromise, and legislate.

We haven't had that in some time, and it's not entirely the fault of Trump. He's just the latest rash it's broken out into.
Actually, what I want is two parties that debate, compromise, and legislate.

We haven't had that in some time, and it's not entirely the fault of Trump. He's just the latest rash it's broken out into.

What you want isn't what the supposed elites want.

And I have a feeling you look at all these cancellations of people you disagree with with hidden and not so hidden glee.
What you want isn't what the supposed elites want.

And I have a feeling you look at all these cancellations of people you disagree with with hidden and not so hidden glee.
Oh, you guys had no problem with Cancel Culture when it was Jane Fonda, Joan Baez, the Dixie Chicks, or Coloin Kapernaeck.

I do take glee when racists, misogynists, and homophobes are cancelled.
Oh, you guys had no problem with Cancel Culture when it was Jane Fonda, Joan Baez, the Dixie Chicks, or Coloin Kapernaeck.

I do take glee when racists, misogynists, and homophobes are cancelled.

drops in the bucket compared to what the left does, and the left does it far more violently, and not with celebrities who can run to their peers for protection and succor.
drops in the bucket compared to what the left does, and the left does it far more violently, and not with celebrities who can run to their peers for protection and succor.
You keep mistaking consequences with cancellation.
You keep mistaking consequences with cancellation.
You keep thinking viable opinions and thoughts require dire consequences because you disagree with them.

How many leftists speeches, forums, or discussions have been broken up by right leaning protesters?
You keep thinking viable opinions and thoughts require dire consequences because you disagree with them.

How many leftists speeches, forums, or discussions have been broken up by right leaning protesters?
Nothing valid about being a racist, homophobe, or misogynist.

MEANWHILE, the Chicks, and Jane Fonda were right and got canceled, anyway.

I seem to remember a little thing called January6...maybe you heard of it.
Nothing valid about being a racist, homophobe, or misogynist.

MEANWHILE, the Chicks, and Jane Fonda were right and got canceled, anyway.

I seem to remember a little thing called January6...maybe you heard of it.

That's the price of a free society, and what you consider those three is anyone who disagrees with the left's political agenda.

You mean Reichstag fire 2021?
That's the price of a free society, and what you consider those three is anyone who disagrees with the left's political agenda.

You mean Reichstag fire 2021?
Wow, Marty, you think all those people were FBI agents? Are you that level of crazy, because before this, I thought you just an asshole, not insane.
Wow, Marty, you think all those people were FBI agents? Are you that level of crazy, because before this, I thought you just an asshole, not insane.

Not all of them but I wouldn't put it past the FBI that some of them were.

And I allude to the Reichstag fire not as staged event (some people think the Dutch Commie idiot actually did it), but for the excuses it created that let the Nazis deny the SD's and the Communists votes and attendance, and then pass the Enabling act and gain control of the German government.
Not all of them but I wouldn't put it past the FBI that some of them were.

And I allude to the Reichstag fire not as staged event (some people think the Dutch Commie idiot actually did it), but for the excuses it created that let the Nazis deny the SD's and the Communists votes and attendance, and then pass the Enabling act and gain control of the German government.
Well, nobody has suggested that. The Dutch Commie wasn't acting on orders from Ernst Thalman. The January 6 rioters were definitely acting on orders from Trump.

In fact, the only people getting held accountable for this fire are the people who set it. Including Trump, hopefully.
Well, nobody has suggested that. The Dutch Commie wasn't acting on orders from Ernst Thalman. The January 6 rioters were definitely acting on orders from Trump.

In fact, the only people getting held accountable for this fire are the people who set it. Including Trump, hopefully.
/-----/ "The January 6 rioters were definitely acting on orders from Trump."
Are you presenting your evidence to the DA?
Well, nobody has suggested that. The Dutch Commie wasn't acting on orders from Ernst Thalman. The January 6 rioters were definitely acting on orders from Trump.

In fact, the only people getting held accountable for this fire are the people who set it. Including Trump, hopefully.

No, they weren't. That is a lie about Trump.

As I have said before on this board, people who think women can have penises can't be trusted intellectually because they can believe anything.

As Orwell once said through O'Brien:

I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party.

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