Professor: Hamas fakes casualty figures: ‘The numbers are not real’ [Gaza DEATH Ministry].

Or hearing selectively, perhaps your deaf.

People in the Middle East hear and speak differently to each other.

Anyway, I'm an Israeli, and I can understand Gazans abroad
trying to insult me, or even Arab masses more broadly,
but why do you make it personal, trying to lecture me,

what's your dog in the game?
People in the Middle East hear and speak differently to each other.

Anyway, I'm an Israeli, and I can understand Gazans abroad
trying to insult me, or even Arab masses more broadly,
but why do you make it personal, trying to lecture me,

what's your dog in the game?

Kushner said what he said, rather than admit it, admit that Kushner advocated forced migration of two million Palestinians into the middle of a desert you try to evade the issue and make a vacuous statement like "That's what I'm saying about hearing differently" so what did you hear?
Again with racist-Arab Qatar's sources, this is its M.M.E..

What does Kushner have to do here at all?
He - a Jew - wanted to move two million Palestinians into the middle of a desert so their land - Gaza - can be used for commercial property development, so far no Zionists have condemned such an idea...and you wonder why people call you Nazis!
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Kushner said what he said, rather than admit it, admit that Kushner advocated forced migration of two million people into the middle of a desert you try to evade the issue and make a vacuous statement like "That's what I'm saying about hearing differently" so what did you hear?

Is word laundry all you got?

What you try to do is hold the stick
by both ends - demand Israel acts according to law,
while calling humanitarian relocation a crime, so which is it?
Is word laundry all you got?

What you try to do is hold the stick
by both ends - demand Israel acts according to law,
while calling humanitarian relocation a crime, so which is it?

You said that you didn't hear Kushner saying that Israel could move two million Palestinians into a desert, so I'm asking you what did you hear? what did he say?

You're now stooping to a new low, as low as a cockroach crawls by saying "humanitarian relocation" is not a crime, well it is in the real world but not the make believe pretend world of Zionism where a third world fake country actually thinks it is significant.

Well look, you're abuse of language has been anticipated "humanitarian genocide"


This whole thread is engaging in latter day holocaust denial, desperation to minimize the figures of murdered people, how sad to congratulate oneself with "See we only murdered and maimed 20,000, not 36,000".

I wonder how you'd react to a Nazi in 1945 saying "See, we only exterminated 3,000,000 Jews not 6,000,000, stop all this exaggerating!".
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He - a Jew - wanted to move two million Palestinians into the middle of a desert so ...
He represents no one.

It's like a random youtube catch.

It means zero.

But your Arab "palestinian" leadership stated no Jew on en envisions "palestine" state.
Now to real ethnic cleansing - the racist Arab Islamic "moderate" "palestine" regime of course:

Dictator Abbas Reiterating Statement: “No Jews In Future Palestinian State”

It's hypocritical to use the Nazi slur or comparison given Palestinian leadership and en masse representations which helped Hitler.

(Most Jordanians are "palestinian" by origin though they are settlers anyhow).
Former Jordanian health minister:
"we Arabs supported Hitler during WW2 because he hated the Jews"
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He represents no one.

It's like a random youtube catch.

It means zero.

But your Arab "palestinian" leadership stated no Jew on en envisions "palestine" state.


It's hypocritical to use the Nazi slur or comparison given Palestinian leadership which helped Hitler.
He represents vested interests, interested in capitalizing on Gaza's superb coast line. He represents Trump's aspirations to build hotels in Gaza he represents greed and racism which means he has much in common with the Zionists running the Israeli murder machine, he shares their cold analytical view of Palestinians as a nuisance that one could just move out into Negev so that their land can be exploited.

If you think I'm using "Nazi" as a "slur" then you really haven't been paying attention. If you feel insulted by that term, then tough, it is a valid analogy as I've explained before and an analogy many Jews too have used over the years, so stop the feigned outrage.
You were eager to point out that he is a Jew... why?
Which Jewish organization does he represent again?

I can say the same long diatribe about the Arab league and greed , not just, but blood and greed combination.

Pay for slay anyone?

Just because you claom to "believe" in your fallacy argument, it still doesn't un-slur it...
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You pointed that he is a Jew... why?
Because I suspect he believes it gives him a degree of entitlement in the discussions about Israel and Palestine and how to treat Palestinians.

It is often Jews who try to capitalize on being Jewish when they employ the Zionist strategy of exploiting the Holocaust and being a victim in order to justify genocide in Gaza and persecution in the West Bank.

Which Jewish organization does he represent you said?
I didn't say he represented a Jewish organization.
[W]e Muslims were fascinated by the Third Reich in the 1930s because Hitler had some ideas at the political level and the economic level , and the cultural field , which were very close to the political, economic, and cultural.

So this man and his movement were fascinating to many Muslim intellectuals all during the 1930s. And since 1945, Muslims have been studying all of these things . And we judge him in a different way. Even if now, of course, when the Muslims protest against America, they say Bush equals Hitler, or Sharon equals Hitler, they say that not for themselves, but [because] they know that it has an impact on Western public opinion. You see Hitler himself had a quite positive attitude towards Islam... He said several times in his table talks that" After the final war the swastika will rule over Europe and will represent a new Europe.

We will help the Muslims in North Africa and the Middle East to reestablish the Caliphate." That means there would be an Islamic civilization. [And Hitler said] "In the Far East , there will be the rising sun " -Japan of course.

Michael, G. (2006). The enemy of my enemy : the alarming convergence of militant Islam and the extreme right. United States: University Press of Kansas, p. 152.
[W]e Muslims were fascinated by the Third Reich in the 1930s because Hitler had some ideas at the political level and the economic level , and the cultural field , which were very close to the political, economic, and cultural.

So this man and his movement were fascinating to many Muslim intellectuals all during the 1930s. And since 1945, Muslims have been studying all of these things . And we judge him in a different way. Even if now, of course, when the Muslims protest against America, they say Bush equals Hitler, or Sharon equals Hitler, they say that not for themselves, but [because] they know that it has an impact on Western public opinion. You see Hitler himself had a quite positive attitude towards Islam... He said several times in his table talks that" After the final war the swastika will rule over Europe and will represent a new Europe.

We will help the Muslims in North Africa and the Middle East to reestablish the Caliphate." That means there would be an Islamic civilization. [And Hitler said] "In the Far East , there will be the rising sun " -Japan of course.

Muslims and Arabs cooperating with the Nazis is not disputed. The French also cooperated with them as did Jews. The relevance of these things though is in the degree to which they characterize an entire race or society. You can no more use the Arab cooperation with the Nazis to make some grand societal claim about Arabs than I can use the Jewish cooperation with the Nazis to make some grand generalized claim about Jews.

Demonizing Jews (antisemitism) because some cooperated with the Nazis is of course unjustified but by the same logic so is demonizing Arabs (antiarabaism) because the Grand Mufti cooperated with the Nazis. Look, we can't condemn all Jews but you feel we can condemn all Arabs?

They are incidental, tactical and opportunistic events that arose during a huge global war.
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Muslims and Arabs cooperating with the Nazis is not disputed.

First, you are lmixing strategic collaborating with IDEOLOGICAL COOPERATION as in the Mufti Wolff approach within two months of Hitlervrise and his conversation with Hitler Nov 24 1941 as well as Palestine Arab major newspapers Hitler admiration till it was controlled by the Brits in 1939.

It's not just that. It's at Arab Palestine where Hither is till most admired today.
You said that you didn't hear Kushner saying that Israel could move two million Palestinians into a desert, so I'm asking you what did you hear? what did he say?

You're now stooping to a new low, as low as a cockroach crawls by saying "humanitarian relocation" is not a crime, well it is in the real world but not the make believe pretend world of Zionism where a third world fake country actually thinks it is significant.

Well look, you're abuse of language has been anticipated "humanitarian genocide"

View attachment 973367

This whole thread is engaging in latter day holocaust denial, desperation to minimize the figures of murdered people, how sad to congratulate oneself with "See we only murdered and maimed 20,000, not 36,000".

I wonder how you'd react to a Nazi in 1945 saying "See, we only exterminated 3,000,000 Jews not 6,000,000, stop all this exaggerating!".

That Francesca Albanese, who a year ago lied about numbers 10x higher,
and is now investigated by the UN itself for bribery from Hamas?

Crawling back under the rock seems like a fitting metaphor.


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