Snopes now verifies Ashley Biden's "showers with dad" story as being "True"

I already told you what I think about this. But now you're saying it might be appropriate for a father to shower with his 10 year old daughter. I said it's not appropriate for a father to shower with his 10 year old daughter. It's absolutely not appropriate.
I didn't say that what the fuck are you talking about? You're flailing
I already told you what I think about this. But now you're saying it might be appropriate for a father to shower with his 10 year old daughter. I said it's not appropriate for a father to shower with his 10 year old daughter. It's absolutely not appropriate.
I never showered with my young daughters, I might have bathed them when they were babies up to one. Seek help perv
We can only go by what she said and she didn't say the showers were inappropriate, she said they were probably inappropriate. That indicates uncertainty; which indicates she wasn't as old as some of you freaks are claiming she was.

So if you exposed yourself to your own daughter and she didn't object, that makes it legal?

Ok sicko.
Bullshit. No child psychologist would condone a grown man showering naked with his own daughter at any age.

That's what called "indecent exposure", which is illegal in most every state. If lewd and lascivious behavior like that is repeated and police are contacted more than once, you can expect charges will follow. And it obviously happened more than once, since her diary entry mentioned "showers" plural.

Your opinion is refuted by this article that was actually posted by one of your fellow nuts in this thread...

We can only go by what she said and she didn't say the showers were inappropriate, she said they were probably inappropriate. That indicates uncertainty; which indicates she wasn't as old as some of you freaks are claiming she was.
Did she say people distorted her showers with daddy story, as you claim?

Her expressing uncertainty of the inappropriateness of the events is not semantics, Dumbfuck. You'd know that if only you weren't such a dumbfuck. :itsok:
Have fun down your rabbit hole of semantic dumbassery, Simp.

You already proved she was talking about that by being unable to show what else is in her diary that the right lies about.

Complete Fawnboi bullshit and lies, as usual.

She never specified, so you are just making shit up, liar. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Your opinion is refuted by this article that was actually posted by one of your fellow nuts in this thread...

Look asshole, we're not talking about bathing a child. What Joe Biden did was to expose himself on multiple occasions to his own daughter, which is definitely illegal. That's called "indecent exposure. And like I said, nobody showers with their clothes on.
I thought you said she was 13? Now you indicate she was 7?

Don't you know? :badgrin:
Nice switcharoo try. She was 13 which made Joe way way out of line as most moral and thinking adults do not shower with their children of the opposite sex Ever and same sex up to 7 max.
All untwisted now???
Are you willing to reveal the age at which you stopped showering with children?
I’ll step up
I NEVER showed with my daughter or granddaughter and stopped with my grandson when he turned 4. That how folks with a mind and morals do things.

I never showered with my kids. But my wife did until our kids were about that age. And there was nothing wrong with it.

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