President Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump

I would actually be fine with Mark Cuban running for POTUS. For the same reasons I wanted Dylan Ratigan to get into politics 15 years ago. It's time we try a smart, compassionate businessman who was actually a success on his own. We haven't had that opportunity since H. Ross Perot. Bush was a phony, given opportunities to get into business at the C Suite level because . . . Daddy. Trump has at least 6 bankruptcies, a truckload of failed businesses, lifetime bans from owning casinos, and all his money came from . . . Daddy.

Mark Cuban would be a very good president, IMO, because he truly understands business, so he could intelligently cut/shape/increase regulations on the finance industry. He would make great trade deals, and he's not a racist or a bigot. So he would have to run as a Democrat. But he would get a ton of voters who usually have no choice but to vote Republican, but frequently hold their nose.

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