Hold on to your butts...Trump leads Biden by 18 in Iowa...

Minnesota and New Mexico and Virginia and Maryland and Nevada and Georgia and Colorado and Michigan could all be in play too
President Trump was the best president of my lifetime.

President Biden was the worst.

And then you prove me correct. That was easy.

Nobody wants whoever it is you want.

Sad but true, far too many people that have sold their souls to one party or the other.

Yeah, you're a troll.

I said that, remember.

"Fuck off, troll."?

Thanks for confirming.

Because I find this place entertaining I am a troll?

That is a new one, seems I have struck a nerve
President Trump was the best president of my lifetime. President Biden was the worst. Nobody wants whoever it is you want. Maybe you'll have better luck in Panama. Yeah, you're a troll. I said that, remember. "Fuck off, troll."? Thanks for confirming.
fuh fuh fuh fuh BDS fuh fuh fuh fuh

Here is the breakdown of Zogby's polling clients: " However, it aims to represent a balanced view of the American electorate by including a mix of respondents: 38% Democrat, 38% Republican, and 24% Independent/unaffiliated." But that is false.

However, pew.org writes that GOP, Dems, and Independents are 32%, 33%, and 30%, with the Independents highly favoring Biden over Trump.

Biden will win by six or seven %.
If this lead holds or expands, I think Wisconsin will absolutely go to Trump.

Minnesota...I don't know...it's now possible, but still unlikely, IMO.
WI could possibly, not likely go to Trump. PA and MI will go to Biden.

You don't know any of this. You're playing the partisan cognitive bias game and projecting what you want to happen.

Biden is an incumbent president running against a convicted felon and they're essentially tied. That's pathetic. Biden should be ten points ahead of him in the polls, but his approval rating is in the 30s. The conviction has been out there for a couple of weeks now. People have had time to digest that and it essentially hasn't mattered. I've been of the school of thought that Trump's convictions would sink him (they still may; there are five months left), but so far nothing has indicated that. At best he's lost one or two points in some polls; in others he has gained.

Americans see a choice between an obnoxious blabbering ass clown who's been convicted of crimes his brainwashed cult thinks are rigged charges (as they do with everything) or a doddering old man who zones out in public, can barely walk that he now shuffles around when moving, and who will likely die in office if reelected, resulting in the most incompetent VP in American history taking the reins.

As I keep saying, it's a race to the bottom and right now it looks like the people are going to choose the clown over Mr. Magoo.

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