Professor: Hamas fakes casualty figures: ‘The numbers are not real’ [Gaza DEATH Ministry].

Sherlock Holmes said:
The Israelis refuse to even allow independent investigation of Oct 7 victims,
Not true. Unless you mean UN occupied by OIC [Islamic global bloc].
Then again, even the UN admitted to finding evidence of rape Jihad atrocities.

"Independent" you remond the 'reliable sources' (RS) decided by organized Arab club ar wikipedia..
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Not true. Unless you mean UN occupied by OIC [Islamic global bloc].
Then again, even the UN admitted to finding evidence of rape Jihad atrocities.

What's not true? specifically what are you claiming exactly, to be false?

This is from June 9th 2024, a few weeks ago:

Israel’s obstruction of investigation into 7 October rape allegations risks truth never being found, advocates warn

Israel’s leadership is pushing the allegations that Hamas fighters raped Israeli women during the October 7 attacks for its own political objectives while the government’s ongoing refusal to allow the United Nations to conduct a full investigation into the matter threatens to hinder any evidence, advocates have warned.

Ask yourself, why does Israel not want the truth to be found? what kind of contrived, convoluted, ridiculous justification can you think up for this other than "They are lying"? They have a huge PR opportunity to publicly expose Hamas for sexual abuse here and they are not taking advantage of that, they know it makes them look like liars so why do it?
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This report just now, is very timely:


Source: Aljazeera
and this


These barbarians have even killed 500 doctors and nurses, could anything better convey the depravity of Zionism?

This is all proof of genocidal intent, killing doctors and nurses reduces the survival prospects of the injured, Israel's very own die Endlösung.

This has to be stupidest way ever devised to reduce the threat of terrorism against Israeli citizens.
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I'm very curious about how Israel plans to avoid or handle a terrorist aircraft crashing into some of the tall Tel-Aviv skyscrapers? This happened to the United States (purportedly because of our support for Israel) and Israel did not change course so what will they do if it happens again but this time inside Israel itself?
This report just now, is very timely:

View attachment 973215

Source: Aljazeera
and this

View attachment 973216

These barbarians have even killed 500 doctors and nurses, could anything better convey the depravity of Zionism?

This is all proof of genocidal intent, killing doctors and nurses reduces the survival prospects of the injured, Israel's very own die Endlösung.

This has to be stupidest way ever devised to reduce the threat of terrorism against Israeli citizens.

Al-Jazeera is literally the Hamas main propaganda network.

Even according to their numbers, it's 10 times less than

previous year UN's Fracesca Albanes 420,000 lie...


Al-Jazeera is literally the Hamas main propaganda network.

Even according to their numbers, it's 10 times less than

previous year UN's Fracesca Albanes 420,000 lie...

Well then what are the actual numbers? what sources can you suggest I go to to get accurate realistic statistics?
I'm very curious about how Israel plans to avoid or handle a terrorist aircraft crashing into some of the tall Tel-Aviv skyscrapers? This happened to the United States (purportedly because of our support for Israel) and Israel did not change course so what will they do if it happens again but this time inside Israel itself?

Because Islamists are never responsible for their degeneracy?

And you ask why Gaza doesn't have an airport.
Even if one doesn't know history, all it takes
is to listen to what Hamas supporters say.
Because Islamists are never responsible for their degeneracy?

And you ask why Gaza doesn't have an airport.
Even if one doesn't know history, all it takes
is to listen to what Hamas supporters say.

I think Israel's airports should all be taken out of service, the huge tonnage of weapons being brought in from their genocide enablers, needs to be brought to an end.
Well then what are the actual numbers? what sources can you suggest I go to to get accurate realistic statistics?

Well, the UN has corrected their statistics by half, what does it tell you already?

The coordinated "genocide" propaganda campaign started on 7th Oct too,
before IDF even entered Gaza. The whole theme is emotional extortion.

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I think Israel's airports should all be taken out of service, the huge tonnage of weapons being brought in from their genocide enablers, needs to be brought to an end.

So you suggest not only flying planes into Tel-Aviv scrapers,
but also attacking an international airport?

Go on "invest" in the Gaza airport,
lead by example, sure Arab states
will join such lucrative enterprise.
Well, the UN has corrected their statistics by half, what does it tell you already?
You didn't answer my question - which source do you think is most reliable?

Also the UN never "corrected" anything, they clarified the data, if they were lying, deceiving they'd not have done that would they?

Adjusting and clarifying data is not wrong it is right, accuracy and clarity is important.

On 6 May, the UN stated that 69% of the reported deaths were women and children. However, just two days later, it revised this figure to 52%. Despite this adjustment, the overall death toll in Gaza remains over 35,000. The UN explained that incomplete information had led to the initial higher percentage and that they are now using figures from the Hamas-run health ministry instead of the Government Media Office (GMO).
Source: ReliefWeb

The coordinated "genocide" propaganda campaign started on 7th Oct too,
before IDF even entered Gaza. The whole theme is emotional extortion.

October 7th is an arbitrary date to pick as the "start" of all this, take March 1st 2023, approx seven months prior:

Israel should ‘wipe out’ Palestinian town of Huwara, says senior minister Smotrich

Far-right minister Bezalel Smotrich, one of the most senior members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, said Wednesday that Israel should “wipe out” the Palestinian town of Huwara in the West Bank.

That's why people regularly accuse Israel of genocide, extermination is a dream some had had for many years.
So you suggest not only flying planes into Tel-Aviv scrapers,
Reread the post, you'll discover it was a question not a suggestion, perhaps you feel able to answer it?
but also attacking an international airport?
Not attacked no, they should be taken out of service, much as Yasser Arafat International Airport was.
Go on "invest" in the Gaza airport,
lead by example, sure Arab states
will join such lucrative enterprise.
Oh I'm sure Jared Kushner is waiting on the sidelines for Trump to get back in power so he can pursue his dream of "cleaning up the strip" (expelling the population) to the middle of the Negev desert.

Jared Kushner under fire for calling Gaza waterfront property ‘valuable’

Zionist Israel is a cancer and must be wiped off the map in the same way the Third Reich was wiped off the map.

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