Mike Pence Voting For Kamala Harris?

No. Try again. Treason is a word with an actual meaning. And Pence saw his sworn duty differently. Acting on that isn’t even remotely akin to treason.

Plus, for all of our faults, we don’t have a “tyrannical” government.

How utterly NAIVE
I know that the Liz Cheney thing is true because I saw a video of her saying that but I thought that she was always either a democrat or a RINO. (I don't know much about her anyways.)

exactly. & THAT is the problem. you can actually find out if you weren't so far up donny's behind to do it. liz cheney has voted 92/93 % with donny's policies when she was in congress. so there is that....
This is the only article I can currently find about Pence supporting Harris though so I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I wouldn't push it past him though.

why is that? he actually tried to see if there was a way to help his boss out - going so far as to ask DAN QUALE if it was legal & constitutionally sound. so he would have if he could have.

do you even know who dan quale is? would you even bother to? donny loves the poorly educated long time.

i seriously doubt he'll endorse her. you know - 'cause of that pro choice thingy...
No. Try again. Treason is a word with an actual meaning. And Pence saw his sworn duty differently. Acting on that isn’t even remotely akin to treason.

Plus, for all of our faults, we don’t have a “tyrannical” government.
Biden has been nothing but a tyrant. He forced us inside during the pandemic, but I didn't do what Sleepy Joe wanted back then.
It is treason unless you are trying to overthrow a tyrannical government. The right to overthrow a tyrannical government is called treason by Democrats, but it is in the Declaration of Independence.
You are CORRECT.

I don't know what has happened to Back Again.. Guess while he was out (before he came back again)

he imbibed something unkosher..
Pence was authorized to question election results. But he was too much of a pansy to do that.

Nothing in the Constitution gave him that authority.
I hope Trump is way more careful whom he trusts this time around.. sick of RINOs .. dims in R clothing (or maybe that's redundant)
I’m more worried about who Potato selected as his VP.
It is treason unless you are trying to overthrow a tyrannical government. The right to overthrow a tyrannical government is called treason by Democrats, but it is in the Declaration of Independence.

We need another American Revolution.

So you believe.

But Pence wasn’t authorized to act on your belief.

You don't believe that it was?

It's an Expression.

Are you from Russia or just dodging from your claim?

The latter is fine, just want to know.

I never heard that expression before and no I'm not Russian. I'm American. Unless that's just an expression too that is.

Stop your attacks on Road Runner right now!

Thanks, but it's fine. :)
I know that the Liz Cheney thing is true because I saw a video of her saying that

Pence reminds me of one of those slimy slugs that lives under a rock, and if either he or Cheney, no matter what their personal feelings for Trump would actually vote FOR Harris instead, they are dumber than a stump and lower than despicable to think Trump worse than a Marxist.

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Is that an attack?
I don’t grok your question.

Look at it like this. The President has no authority to “forgive” student loans (until and unless Congress passes such a law). Yet Potato tried it anyway. SCOTUS shot it down.

Then the demented lump of shit tried it AGAIN. It may not be an “attack.” But it is on the tyrannical side.

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