John McCain’s son says he will support Kamala Harris in November


Zero wars means he is serious about not starting new wars. He proved it.

That is exactly why the Deep State hates him so much. He won’t do what they want, which is more dumb wars.

You have to be pretty stupid to not see that.
You’re a dumb fuck.

He killed the general in cold blood which thankfully those radical mullahs you hate in Iran, kept their heads. He tried to coup Venezuela. Massive sanctions on Russia while arming the Nazis in Ukraine. Huge war budgets every year. Brings in Bolton to sabotage NK peace talks. War games on Russia’s borders. Threatens China.

Much ado about nothing. McCains hate Trump and accuse him of doing what their hero did.

You guys do realize that this was from 2000 campaign of McCain

So that was 24 years ago.

Now you guys just have to figure out when this rule became a rule.
obvious it appears that he used a visit as a campaign promotion

Still I have a little faith in him that at the time of this shooting there was no rule concerning campaigning using a military cemetery.

The reason is probably they got tired of everyone using military cemeteries for campaign purposes and made this rule.

Eventually establishing the rule.

It exist now but did it exist in 2000 ?

I wonder wonder wonder
The Democrats sure picked a SHITTY broad named KumWhore.

The republican picked a man who cheats on his wives, has sex with porn stars, and has been married 3 times.
Sexually abused E Carroll wish is a nice way of saying raped E Carroll

Talks about grabbing the P and they like that when he does .
The late Sen. John McCain’s youngest son, Army 1st Lt. Jimmy McCain, told CNN on Tuesday that he’s changed his voter registration to Democrat and plans to support Vice President Kamala Harris in November.

McCain explained the change after years as a registered independent and expressed outrage over a recent altercation involving Trump campaign staff at Arlington National Cemetery. He called it a “violation” and “a painful experience.”

Trump was at the cemetery last month to mark the third anniversary of a suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. troops during the evacuation of Afghanistan. Trump and his staff defied requests from cemetery officials to avoid taking photos or videos among the gravestones, with the aim of adhering to a federal law that forbids campaign activities at military cemeteries. A female cemetery worker was “abruptly pushed aside” by male Trump aides as she sought to enforce the guidelines, cemetery officials said.

Good for him. He follows his mum and comes over to the right side.

All Republicans should condemn the outrageous behavior of the Trump campaign on Arlington's hallowed grounds.

Remember Trump has mocked the late Sen McCain as not being a war hero because he "allowed" himself to be captured. And recently, Trump said that the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a civilian honor, is "much better" than the Medal of Honor - the highest military award in the U.S.

I'm not sure how any service member can support Trump after all this blatant disrespect.

Read it and weep pal!

Trump tops Harris among veterans: Poll​

Former President Trump is leading Vice President Harris among veterans, active service members and their families, according to a new poll of the voting bloc.

A survey from Change Research, shared with The Hill on Wednesday, found Trump is leading Harris 51 percent to 41 percent among veterans and 49 percent to 44 percent among active duty, guardsmen and reservists. The margin was smaller among family members of veterans, with Trump edging out Harris 47 percent to 45 percent.

Kamala in school....

Did you do your homework?”

“I spoke with the teacher-“

“Did you do your homework?”

“I have done problem 1.”
Yeah, I did read but no weeping because I read this too:

Trump won veterans by 19 percentage points in 2016 but leads by 10 now, while his lead among active service members dropped from 19 points to 5 points and 12 points to 2 points with family members.

When those who voted for Trump at least once but do not plan to this November were asked to explain their choice, 53 percent said his comments, attitudes and policies towards veterans and service members were part of their decision

Next time read the whole thing before crowing. :itsok:

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