Illegal Migrants Can Vote In US Federal Elections Without Fear Of Prosecution As Vetting And Prosecution By Federal Agencies Is Non Existent

" Illegal Migrants Can Vote In US Federal Elections Without Fear Of Prosecution As Vetting And Prosecution By Federal Agencies Is Non Existent "

* Bifurcated State Voter Registration Systems That Require Proof Of Us State Citizenship Being Blocked *

FYI , according to us 14th amendment , any us citizen has a federal citizenship and a state citizenship in one of the us states .

NVRA should be amended , however assuming it will not be , post federal election audit and an intent to prosecute any illegal migrant voting should be announced and performed .

The overwhelming reason states have considered voter roll bifurcation is that federal and statecourts have consistently ruled against proof of citizenship requirements for voter registration.
In response, courts have overwhelmingly struck down proof of citizenship requirements on the grounds that federal election law, as laid out by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993(NVRA), makes such requirements unnecessary and burdensome. Specifically, the NVRA preempts any state-led effort to require proof of citizenship in voter registration because the NVRA already requires applicants to attest that they are citizens of the United States on the voter registration form.

* Department Of Transportation Real Id But No Limits To Voter Registration Check Box *

The lawsuit claims that, as of April 2024, over 35,000 registered voters in Arizona had not provided proof of citizenship, limiting them to voting only in federal races, according to the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office.

The lawsuit alleges that Arizona's voter registration system creates a split between those who provide proof of citizenship (DPOC) and those who do not. Under Arizona law, DPOC is required for state and local elections, but the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the federal voter registration form does not mandate this requirement. Consequently, Arizona has a bifurcated system where voters who use the federal form – known as Federal-Only Voters – are restricted to voting only in federal elections.

In 2022, Arizona enacted two laws imposing stricter voter list maintenance requirements for Federal-Only Voters. These laws mandate that county recorders conduct monthly maintenance to verify citizenship and check newly registered Federal-Only Voters within ten days.

Every state requires proof of citizenship when you register to vote.

Check the registration requirements for your state.

I want election integrity and don't believe citizens should have to provide proof of citizenship.

I don't think citizens should have to "register" to vote. All citizen should be recognized as eligible to vote barring the franchise being removed.


Virginia requires proof of citizenship when you register to vote for the first time.. If that lapses or you are purged, you'll have to prove your eligibility all over again.

I had to register to vote again when I moved to Florida and had to prove my citizenship.

Trump is just trying to undermine confidence in our elections. When he loses in November we're going to have a whole new claim of stolen elections and incitement to violence.
Last week, I saw some dude who couldn't speak English, registering to vote in Northampton county, Pennsylvania. I thought you had to speak our language to become a citizen. The cheating continues. MAGA

Well that's hard evidence right there. Lock him up!!!

No wonder you vote for Trump!
Virginia requires proof of citizenship when you register to vote for the first time.. If that lapses or you are purged, you'll have to prove your eligibility all over again.

I had to register to vote again when I moved to Florida and had to prove my citizenship.

Trump is just trying to undermine confidence in our elections. When he loses in November we're going to have a whole new claim of stolen elections and incitement to violence.

The ID's allowed at registration don't necessarily prove citizenship, they prove identification. Two different things.

Below are links to the voter registration form in Virginia and the acceptable documents (which are the same for casting a ballot).

I registered in VA in 1998, when I retired from the Navy and stayed here I had to register to move my voting. I don't think I needed anything other that my VA drivers license to register.


" Starting Over At The Beginning "

* Clue Less Response Likely Ignoring Registrations In Multiple States *

Every state requires proof of citizenship when you register to vote.
Check the registration requirements for your state.
Did you not read the OP ?
The overwhelming reason states have considered voter roll bifurcation is that federal and state courts have consistently ruled against proof of citizenship requirements for voter registration.
In response, courts have overwhelmingly struck down proof of citizenship requirements on the grounds that federal election law, as laid out by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993(NVRA), makes such requirements unnecessary and burdensome. Specifically, the NVRA preempts any state-led effort to require proof of citizenship in voter registration because the NVRA already requires applicants to attest that they are citizens of the United States on the voter registration form.

* Use Department Of Transportation Real ID Database Would Not Require Voter Registration *
Every state requires proof of citizenship when you register to vote.

Check the registration requirements for your state.

Was not true until THURS. very confusing with these corrupt courts on a simple matter like voting!

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday delivered a mixed ruling on a controversial Arizona voting law.

The Republican National Committee had asked the court to put a pause on a lower court ruling against the 2022 law. And in a 5-4 decision, the high court granted part of that request, allowing Arizona to enforce — for now — a section that requires election officials to reject state voter registration forms that are submitted without an applicant’s proof of U.S. citizenship. That provision will remain in effect as an appeal proceeds.

But the court rejected other aspects of Republicans' request that could have blocked tens of thousands of currently registered voters from voting in this fall’s presidential election.

***they cant remove tens of thousands BS illegal names already registered? WTH? Here goes another flood of mail-in ballot fraud.
Below is what the USSC decided in 2013. On registers honor system. This is a loophole the D exploit. No one is going to chase down any illegal name they can’t find. Suck it down dummy DEM. It may be different right now but this is what it was. //

June 17, 2013 at 12:20 p.m. EDT
States may not require additional proof of citizenship on federal forms designed to streamline voter-registration procedures, the Supreme Court ruled Monday.
The court rejected a requirement passed by Arizona voters in 2004 that potential voters supply proof of eligibility beyond an applicant’s oath on the federal form that he or she is a citizen.
So in fall 2020 they registered as many as they could as fast as they could. Mail ballots went out. Some illegals were registered under multiple names to multiple address. Just check here Jose it says you want to be a citizen, no one will bother you. No address? Use this one. No ID or SS#? Just check homeless, no ID put down the shelter address right here,

90 days later at vote time Jose is gone. Who got that ballot?
They don’t have to vote. A Ballot will go out in their name. Someone will vote it, like in 2020.//

June 17, 2013 at 12:20 p.m. EDT
States may not require additional proof of citizenship on federal forms designed to streamline voter-registration procedures, the Supreme Court ruled Monday.
The court rejected a requirement passed by Arizona voters in 2004 that potential voters supply proof of eligibility beyond an applicant’s oath on the federal form that he or she is a citizen.

**for federal office, it’s basically honor system. This is one loophole that dirty D exploited.

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