Its Time for Blacks to leave the Republican Party.

This remains a stupid fucking strawman premise. I didn't say anyone had to have negative experiences with Republicans. I've experienced racism but I never bothered to ask anyone how they voted in the middle of it. I said we generally agree that you're trash people and that could just be from listening to what you mother fuckers say and advocate for.

I didn't say it had anything to do with Republicans you illiterate moron. I said it had to do with historical injustice. The Republicans just don't care about getting Black Americans justice.

If slavery is gone then why keep an electoral system designed to protect them? And we don't have an equal vote. An equal vote would be the popular vote. We have a weighted vote.

I know artisticratic slavers only intended for white men who owned property to vote but that really isn't a great argument for 2024. Maybe if your policies weren't rooted in protecting the foundations of a slave society more Black people would vote Republican.

That means voting against Republicans who stand in the way of that change. Trust me, we know.

Maybe. Depends on what else they advocating for. I vote based on policy and issues and all the ones I care about Republicans are trash.

I don't have any problem primarying democrats who aren't on board.

I don't think we're going to get any serious shot at reparations until we demographically replace more white people.

Not any specific ones no. I don't write policy.

I don't care if you agree that Black Americans were wronged. Your emotional support doesn't mean a fucking thing to me.

I think they should be comprehensive in addressing systemic racism and inequality.

We don't. Black people do work hard. The 10 to 1 wealth gap isn't because white people work ten times harder.

Can black people think for themselves or not guy? White people are also products of their upbringing. Everyone is. That isn't unique to Black people, moron. If you accept Black people can think for ourselves and then you must accept that we freely choose not to vote for Republicans.

Nope. Not everything. You seem to be in that group of white people who claim we claim everything is racist just because we say we think you are.

And your strategy to cope is to whine like a bitch about it? :dunno:

The question isn't whether there is social pressure you moron, there is social pressure for everything. The question is whether it actually changes the way people vote and considering those two still vote Republican the answer seems to be no. I also get teased and poked fun at about stuff and guess what, I still enjoy it. My brothers and cousins used to tease me because i enjoyed scifi novels and Star Trek. Doesn't stop me from enjoying scifi novels or Star Trek. This is what I mean. You think Black people are so fucking fragile that any of this would make us intimidated to do things we wanted to do. That's pretty patronizing.

Never said it was. I asked you what the Republicans policies are to address the inequalities caused by those previous injustices.

Court: North Carolina Voter ID Law Targeted Black Voters

There is no large scale problem with voter fraud in this county. Every report details how miniscule it is. These are just Republican attempts to target Black voters.

I'm fine that we don't agree. The question i have is why do you expect me to vote your way when we agree on nothing?

Let's put aside for a moment that celebrating people who fought to own black people as property is hella fucked up and acknowledge that two of these fucked up Republican states do celebrate Confederate slavers the same day as MLK day.

Why are these deplorable fucking people still celebrating slavers and the Confederacy? These are Republican states. If I recall my history correctly the Confederates were Democrats.

I'm more than happy to spread hate. People should hate some things. Like deplorable fucking cultures that idolize slavers. What's wrong with teaching people to hate murderers, rapists and slavers and the people who love and idolize them?

Like the Republican value of idolizing dead Democrat slavers? Yeah, if you wanted to teach those deplorable values to my kid I'd have some objections.

So you're uninformed? Figures.

That requires removing Republicans from office, not adding to them.

I wasn't asking for your ignorant opinion my guy, you're the one here begging for black votes and so far I'm not seeing any reason to switch.

God damn you're uninformed. The Republican supreme court just gutted the federal government's ability impose regulations on businesses.

And you've failed to show what affect, if any, this social pressure has.

This remains a stupid fucking strawman premise. I didn't say anyone had to have negative experiences with Republicans. I've experienced racism but I never bothered to ask anyone how they voted in the middle of it. I said we generally agree that you're trash people and that could just be from listening to what you mother fuckers say and advocate for.

In a discussion about black people not voting for republicans because of the bad things they do…one would think you’d want to know what it is they did and who did it. As you suggest, you’ve had racist experiences but never bothered to find out their political, how do you know they were republicans? If they weren’t, then doesn’t that kind of dismantle your reasoning for why blacks vote democrat? I mean, if your negative racial experiences may have also come from democrats…or do you just assume every racist experience is automatically a Republican?

I didn't say it had anything to do with Republicans you illiterate moron. I said it had to do with historical injustice. The Republicans just don't care about getting Black Americans justice.

Many don’t agree with reparations, which is apparently the only form of justice you are willing to accept. Some of them do approve of reparations though. Again, there are ways to solve the injustice other than handing out tens of millions of dollars to every black person in America…

If slavery is gone then why keep an electoral system designed to protect them? And we don't have an equal vote. An equal vote would be the popular vote. We have a weighted vote.

Because the system also protects small states from having their voice completely drown out by larger states. Just because a state is small doesn’t mean they have to give up their voice…and the EC already accounts for that by giving smaller states fewer EC votes. But, those small states combined add up.

Also, be honest, would we even be talking about this if the majority vote always went Repub? I seriously doubt it. It would be at that point where dems would be just fine with the EC.

I know artisticratic slavers only intended for white men who owned property to vote but that really isn't a great argument for 2024. Maybe if your policies weren't rooted in protecting the foundations of a slave society more Black people would vote Republican.

It’s 2024. Slavery ended a long time ago. What the policies meant back then are not what they mean today. Again, if we were actually in a democracy, you’d have a point, but we were not set up that way. And again, it actually IS proportional, it’s the reason why California gets 54 EC votes, and Wyoming gets 2.

That means voting against Republicans who stand in the way of that change. Trust me, we know.

Well, that’s what elections are about. However, until that point comes, we have what we have..

I don't think we're going to get any serious shot at reparations until we demographically replace more white people.

On a national level, maybe, but on a local level, maybe not. If some of these states start passing reparations bills, there might be some relief. However, if you are looking for a demographic shift, that could take awhile, as I think white people are still far and away the majority in the country. I think reparations would come quicker by trying to convert people to democrats.

I don't care if you agree that Black Americans were wronged. Your emotional support doesn't mean a fucking thing to me.

well, youre certainly not going to change any hearts and minds with that attitude.

I think they should be comprehensive in addressing systemic racism and inequality.

That’s about as vague an answer as you can get lol

We don't. Black people do work hard. The 10 to 1 wealth gap isn't because white people work ten times harder.

Never said they didn’t work hard, but when understanding a merit based system, you are rewarded for you efforts, that’s a merit based system.

The 10-1 wealth gap was created by generational wealth and that is only in the hands of a few, but for some reason the like to average it out.

I read something the other day that said that the average white family has $250,000 in wealth or net worth…now, I know a few white folk…and none of them have a net worth of $250,000 lol, most of them are in debt up to their eyeballs..

You know there are a lot of poor white people right? Many more than there are poor black people, and that stands to reason, because there are more white peoples in the country, but it’s not like white folk are handed a golden ticket and just have money falling all around them. That 10-1 wealth gap is because, of the white folks that are rich, some of them are VERY rich, but most white people are just regular ordinary people trying to make it in life. Generational wealth didn’t happen to everyone…

Can black people think for themselves or not guy?

Yes, they can, but you answer your own question with the very next statement:

White people are also products of their upbringing. Everyone is. That isn't unique to Black people,

I agree 100%, and I said as much in a previous reply. Nobody is immune from the influences around them. What I said was not intended to even hint that black people cant think for themselves, it was intended to say that how someone thinks is based a lot in the influences around them.

Look at it like this, if you are a black child who grows up in a black democrat household (most black homes appear to be democrat), then you are going to grow up hearing a lot of democrat themed conversations, you will hear a lot about history, slavery, how “the white man sticking it to the black man”, how Hillary is just such great person and how she and her democrat administration would have done a lot for the country. You’d hear a lot of pro democrat talk, and not so much pro republican talk, and probably a lot of things said against republicans…such as things you’ve said here, in this conversation.

That is influence, and those kids will likely grow up thinking and believing like their parents did, or those whom they have been around all their lives.

Once they get out on their own, then we have the democrat media who will continue to reinforce that type of thought process.

At the end of the day, it has nothing to do with black people being able to think for themselves, it’s just they will think what they do in relation to what they’ve been taught all their lives, or, in relation to the influences that have shaped their minds.

Nope. Not everything. You seem to be in that group of white people too? So that’s 3 of you now..please explain what makes you think I’m white. Is it
Because of my disagreements? Are you actually judging my ethnicity based on how to speak? That’s kind of….racist isn’t it? I mean, if a one tried to attribute something to a black person based on their views…you’d certainly say they were being racist.

Nope. Not everything. You seem to be in that group of white people who claim we claim everything is racist just because we say we think you are.

As to the larger point you were making..yeah, that’s about the gist of it. There seem to be a lot of accusation of racism being thrown around, not just here, but in left wing media in general. It seems like every time something comes up, the first thing that is said is “it’s because of racism!” Case in point, the lady and the white dude in the store, where people in the left, and people here on this forum, without ANY context or knowledge of the situation, whatsoever, jumped to the racism claim straight away. When I pressed on the issue to explain how they deemed it was racism, nobody could provide any reason as to what made them think the white guy was being racist..or that it was even him that started the whole thing…but sure as the sun rises, because I challenged them on the issue, I was called a white guy I was called racist..a that. All I did was ask…what makes you think he was racist. Because I didn’t just jump to the same conclusion they did, that’s all it took for them to label me as racist.

So yeah, I’d say those if you on this forum and several that Iisten to on the radio seem to think..everything is racist. That’s not my fault that the left wing party, in general, are pushing a race based division strategy.

And your strategy to cope is to whine like a bitch about it?

Not at all, I’ll just shake my head and wonder why, for a group of people who are trying to make gains in racial harmony, why they do their level best to push those away whom they are trying to create harmony with. I mean, you can’t complain that white people hate black people, the turn around and do things that make white people hate black people. That’s very counter productive.

You think Black people are so fucking fragile that any of this would make us intimidated to do things we wanted to do. That's pretty patronizing.

Not me:

Sadly, peer pressure is an issue in the black community, starting in their youth.

again, it’s not me, it’s the multiple articles and studies I’ve linked to you now.

You never did watch the rest of that video I posted did you? The one that started with Stephen smith, but there was SO much more after that?

Never said it was. I asked you what the Republicans policies are to address the inequalities caused by those previous injustices.

They appear to be the same for everyone. Increase jobs, increase opportunity. Pretty much following the cotus to provide the same thing for everyone. And again, I have to emphasize that, I personally, think more can be done, because i recognize the injustice and the impact, but since you don’t care about my “feelings” in the subject, I’ll just not expound on it.

I'm fine that we don't agree. The question i have is why do you expect me to vote your way when we agree on nothing?

Because there are things we should agree on, but because you want to look at everything through the lens of race, you ignore everything else. There are plenty of things we can agree on in the Republican Party, but can you separate general policy from your single minded focus on race issues? I’m not saying those aren’t important, but if that’s all you think about, there’s a lot of other things you miss.

Let's put aside for a moment that celebrating people who fought to own black people as property is hella fucked up and acknowledge that two of these fucked up Republican states do celebrate Confederate slavers the same day as MLK day.

Why are these deplorable fucking people still celebrating slavers and the Confederacy? These are Republican states. If I recall my history correctly the Confederates were Democrats.

I agree, we shouldn’t celebrate anything to do with slavery, but a handful of states recognize this as a holiday..but really, how many people actually celebrate it? I never even knew it was a thing til you brought it up.

Point is, that is not a “party position” using it as an argument to say “this is how republicans are” isn’t valid. Most republicans would say rise holidays are wrong, if the celebration of slavers is indeed what the are all about.

Like the Republican value of idolizing dead Democrat slavers? Yeah, if you wanted to teach those deplorable values to my kid I'd have some objections.

Those holidays are taught in schools? Where?

So you're uninformed? Figures

Yeah, at least I’ll admit when I’m not up on a subject.

I wasn't asking for your ignorant opinion my guy, you're the one here begging for black votes and so far I'm not seeing any reason to switch.

I’m not begging for black votes, lol, all this started because i posted thoughts on why black peoe vote democrat like 90%.

You vote how you feel, I don’t care.

God damn you're uninformed. The Republican supreme court just gutted the federal government's ability impose regulations on businesses.

The Supreme Court ruling was about the previous laws that federal agencies could interpret law to make regulations. What this case appears to have done, is simply say that courts are the only ones who should be interpreting laws, not federal agencies.

It look like scotus was just clawing back the power of interpretation. It just means federal agencies will not able to Willy nillly interpret law to create regulation, they have to let the courts interpret the laws.
It seems like you're just desperate for any opinion that explain why 90% of black voters don't vote Republican beyond us simply not liking Republicans and Republican policies.

Not desperate, I’ve found opinions on it, even linked them, I have. I’ve now doubt some black folks don’t like republicans, I do question how 90% of ANY community votes the same way, and that social and peer pressure, as well as influenced upbringing had nothing to do with it.
In a discussion about black people not voting for republicans because of the bad things they do…one would think you’d want to know what it is they did and who did it. As you suggest, you’ve had racist experiences but never bothered to find out their political, how do you know they were republicans?
I don't. That's not what I'm talking about you moron. I never said we all vote Republican because we had negative personal experiences with Republicans. I said I don't vote Republican because they tend to be shitty people with shitty policies. I can get that just by listening to what you clowns have to say about various issues.
If they weren’t, then doesn’t that kind of dismantle your reasoning for why blacks vote democrat? I mean, if your negative racial experiences may have also come from democrats…or do you just assume every racist experience is automatically a Republican?
God damn you're stupid. Who said they were Democrats? They were just people. You're the one who went down this dumb road of personal racist experiences. That isn't my argument you dumb clown. I argue against deplorable Republicans policies.
Many don’t agree with reparations, which is apparently the only form of justice you are willing to accept. Some of them do approve of reparations though. Again, there are ways to solve the injustice other than handing out tens of millions of dollars to every black person in America…
Like? Don't be coy bitch, you want my vote or not? Apparently you think telling me I'm being peer pressured is a better argument than you telling me what your party is prepared to offer beyond platitudes of freedom and equality. It's not.
Because the system also protects small states from having their voice completely drown out by larger states. Just because a state is small doesn’t mean they have to give up their voice…and the EC already accounts for that by giving smaller states fewer EC votes. But, those small states combined add up.
What the fuck? Why should I care about giving special electoral power to smaller states? What's wrong with one person, one vote and the one person who gets the most vote wins?
Also, be honest, would we even be talking about this if the majority vote always went Repub? I seriously doubt it. It would be at that point where dems would be just fine with the EC.
Yes we would because I actually believe that everyone's vote should count equally.
It’s 2024. Slavery ended a long time ago. What the policies meant back then are not what they mean today. Again, if we were actually in a democracy, you’d have a point, but we were not set up that way. And again, it actually IS proportional, it’s the reason why California gets 54 EC votes, and Wyoming gets 2.
We are a democracy you moron. We a constitutional republic and a representative democracy. These aren't terms that are in conflict with one another. They describe different aspects of our government. There is no reason why we can't get rid of the EC other than the fact that Republicans like that it allows them to win elections without having to win a majority of the vote.
Well, that’s what elections are about. However, until that point comes, we have what we have..
Yeah until we get rid of Republicans it is what it is. See these are reasons why I vote against Republicans that have absolutely nothing to do with peer pressure.
On a national level, maybe, but on a local level, maybe not. If some of these states start passing reparations bills, there might be some relief. However, if you are looking for a demographic shift, that could take awhile, as I think white people are still far and away the majority in the country. I think reparations would come quicker by trying to convert people to democrats.
I tell you what you do that and I'll do mine and we'll see which one gets us there faster. I'm not opposed to having multiple fires cooking.
well, youre certainly not going to change any hearts and minds with that attitude.
I don't care about your heart or mind. My plan is just to replace you people over time. I'm patient.
That’s about as vague an answer as you can get lol
Its the one I got for you. I don't write policy.
Never said they didn’t work hard, but when understanding a merit based system, you are rewarded for you efforts, that’s a merit based system.
If you believe its a merit based system then you must believe the 10 to 1 wealth gap between white and black families is merited. Thats sort of how logic works you fucking moron.
The 10-1 wealth gap was created by generational wealth and that is only in the hands of a few, but for some reason the like to average it out.

I read something the other day that said that the average white family has $250,000 in wealth or net worth…now, I know a few white folk…and none of them have a net worth of $250,000 lol, most of them are in debt up to their eyeballs..
I know. You read information and when it doesn't agree with your limited personal experience you don't believe in it. Sounds like every fucking right winger I've ever spoken to.... :lol:
You know there are a lot of poor white people right? Many more than there are poor black people, and that stands to reason, because there are more white peoples in the country, but it’s not like white folk are handed a golden ticket and just have money falling all around them. That 10-1 wealth gap is because, of the white folks that are rich, some of them are VERY rich, but most white people are just regular ordinary people trying to make it in life. Generational wealth didn’t happen to everyone…
That's not why you Moron. That $250,000 in wealth is the median average for white families. Black wealth is increasing, but so is the racial wealth gap
I agree 100%, and I said as much in a previous reply. Nobody is immune from the influences around them. What I said was not intended to even hint that black people cant think for themselves, it was intended to say that how someone thinks is based a lot in the influences around them.

Look at it like this, if you are a black child who grows up in a black democrat household (most black homes appear to be democrat), then you are going to grow up hearing a lot of democrat themed conversations, you will hear a lot about history, slavery, how “the white man sticking it to the black man”, how Hillary is just such great person and how she and her democrat administration would have done a lot for the country. You’d hear a lot of pro democrat talk, and not so much pro republican talk, and probably a lot of things said against republicans…such as things you’ve said here, in this conversation.
See, you imagine these things Black people are hearing growing up and from that imagination you've invented this entire scenario. Also young black voters don't even like Hillary like that you Clown. She got protested by BLM in her last election run for calling young black men "super predators" in the 90s.
That is influence, and those kids will likely grow up thinking and believing like their parents did, or those whom they have been around all their lives.
Except we have the evidence that they didnt.....

This is the problem with you fucking morons on the right. You have absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever.
So yeah, I’d say those if you on this forum and several that Iisten to on the radio seem to think..everything is racist. That’s not my fault that the left wing party, in general, are pushing a race based division strategy.
I'm happy to tell you the things I going racist and why. It has nothing to do with the radio. I don't even know what that means. :dunno:
Not at all, I’ll just shake my head and wonder why, for a group of people who are trying to make gains in racial harmony, why they do their level best to push those away whom they are trying to create harmony with. I mean, you can’t complain that white people hate black people, the turn around and do things that make white people hate black people. That’s very counter productive.
Who said I'm trying to create harmony with deplorable fucking people? If I think you're deplorable my aim with you isn't harmony it's the defeat of your politics and culture.
Sadly, peer pressure is an issue in the black community, starting in their youth.
Hilariously you right wingers have no appealing policies for the vast majority of non white Christians voters out there.
again, it’s not me, it’s the multiple articles and studies I’ve linked to you now.
Your study that showed it went from 85% democrat to 95% when interviewed by other black people? Wow. You're really breaking through there. :lol:
You never did watch the rest of that video I posted did you? The one that started with Stephen smith, but there was SO much more after that?
Because once Stephen A Smith said he doesn't care what people think what else is there to say? I don't care about why Stephen A Smith thinks other black people do things. That's Stephen A Smiths imagination. Your imagination and Stephen A Smiths imagination are equally unconvincing to me. That's what you morons who can't think critically don't get. Imagination is a poor foundation for rational thought. Stephen A Smith is only an authority and why he votes the way he does and I'm only an authority on why I vote the way I do. I can tell you my reasons. I don't know anyone else's reasons but I can tell you I've never heard a single black person say they vote democrat because their daddy told them Hillary was the greatest thing for black people since Civil Rights. Where's that YouTube video? :dunno:
They appear to be the same for everyone. Increase jobs, increase opportunity. Pretty much following the cotus to provide the same thing for everyone. And again, I have to emphasize that, I personally, think more can be done, because i recognize the injustice and the impact, but since you don’t care about my “feelings” in the subject, I’ll just not expound on it.
How? What are the great Republican policies I'm supposed to want to vote for? I need more than aspirational goals.
Because there are things we should agree on, but because you want to look at everything through the lens of race, you ignore everything else. There are plenty of things we can agree on in the Republican Party, but can you separate general policy from your single minded focus on race issues? I’m not saying those aren’t important, but if that’s all you think about, there’s a lot of other things you miss.
Like what? What do you imagine we should agree on?
I agree, we shouldn’t celebrate anything to do with slavery, but a handful of states recognize this as a holiday..but really, how many people actually celebrate it? I never even knew it was a thing til you brought it up.

Point is, that is not a “party position” using it as an argument to say “this is how republicans are” isn’t valid. Most republicans would say rise holidays are wrong, if the celebration of slavers is indeed what the are all about.
You have elected Republicans and Republican State legislatures celebrating the equivalent of Nazis. I need more than disapproval, I need total denoucement. I need the Republicans to actively excise Slaver lovers from their party. I need to know why you think Slaver lovers find your party and it's policies appealing to them because I don't for a fucking second entertain the notion that slaver lovers have the best intentions of Black Americans at heart.
Those holidays are taught in schools? Where?
Republicans in Virgina just changed the names of schools back to those of Slavers after they were changed. They want Black kids to have to go to school named after men who thought they should be owned like property. That's fucking deplorable. Those are Republicans letting young Black people know exactly who the fuck they are and who they're here for. And yet you wonder.....hmm maybe it's all the political news high-schoolers are listening to about how great Hillary is..... :lol:

Now if a group of people wanted to force jewish kids to attend Hitler high-school would you think that group of people had the best interest of Jewish kids in mind? Don't ask us all to pretend to be as stupid as you genuinely appear to be.
The Supreme Court ruling was about the previous laws that federal agencies could interpret law to make regulations. What this case appears to have done, is simply say that courts are the only ones who should be interpreting laws, not federal agencies.
What we had before was a system where experts in these fields determined how to implement policies written by Congress. What do Marjorie Taylor Green or AOC know about what is required to safely dispose of harmful chemicals or manufacturing waste? Those laws are written to be purposefully vague so that regulators have the leeway to operate under general guiding principles of public safety. They are forcing Congress to have to write very specific legislation to account for all the ways in which a company may act in harmful ways.
It look like scotus was just clawing back the power of interpretation. It just means federal agencies will not able to Willy nillly interpret law to create regulation, they have to let the courts interpret the laws.
No one was willy nillly doing anything but if you want to make it harder for regulators to keep businesses and corporations in check be proud of that policy.
Not desperate, I’ve found opinions on it, even linked them, I have. I’ve now doubt some black folks don’t like republicans, I do question how 90% of ANY community votes the same way, and that social and peer pressure, as well as influenced upbringing had nothing to do with it.
You have not one single black person on YouTube telling you that they vote democrat because the media told them to. You found people on YouTube who share similar views as you for why other people vote the way they do. I'd suggest you just ask those people and listen to what they actually tell you about why they vote the way they do.
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If you are black and Republican, you are a fool. When people in the party you support do not believe you are a citizen of this country, it's time for you to find another party. It doesn't have to be the Democratic Party, join the Libertarian or the Green Party. At least they'll think you are a citizen.

/----/ Because Biden Harris have done such a good job protecting American workers.
Team Trump


OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS 1.3 million native-born Americans LOST employment, while 1.2 million foreign-born workers GAINED employment.
768,000 native-born Americans LEFT the labor force, while 1.5 million foreign-born workers JOINED the labor force.
If you are black and Republican, you are a fool. When people in the party you support do not believe you are a citizen of this country, it's time for you to find another party. It doesn't have to be the Democratic Party, join the Libertarian or the Green Party. At least they'll think you are a citizen.

Democrats are taking money from American Blacks and giving it to illegal aliens. They care nothing about you, because they believe you will continue to believe their lies and give them your vote.

Fact is, Blacks are disproportionately paying for the illegal invasion, as the illegals resettle in Dem cities.

Why anyone who has studied all the issues would vote for Democrats is beyond me.
Democrats are taking money from American Blacks and giving it to illegal aliens. They care nothing about you, because they believe you will continue to believe their lies and give them your vote.

Fact is, Blacks are disproportionately paying for the illegal invasion, as the illegals resettle in Dem cities.

Why anyone who has studied all the issues would vote for Democrats is beyond me.
The fact is that your post is a bunch of bullshit. Democrats care so little about the issues affecting blacks that they nominated a black person for president. Twice.
The fact is that your post is a bunch of bullshit. Democrats care so little about the issues affecting blacks that they nominated a black person for president. Twice.

Look at this and learn something for a change...

This is what happened to Black incomes in real (inflation-adjusted) dollars under Obama, Trump, and Biden/Harris.

Trump made Black much richer. Black incomes declined under Obama - who had eight long, painful years - and Biden/Harris.



You have no idea why you are voting for Dems, other than some misconceptions about skin color.
Look at this and learn something for a change...

This is what happened to Black incomes in real (inflation-adjusted) dollars under Obama, Trump, and Biden/Harris.

Trump made Black much richer. Black incomes declined under Obama - who had eight long, painful years - and Biden/Harris.

View attachment 1007458


You have no idea why you are voting for Dems, other than some misconceptions about skin color.
Shut the hell up white ---. Trump inherited economic growth from Obama. Biden/Harris have done far more for us than Trump. Your simple ass gives trump credit for things he did not create just because he happened to be in office. And we won't be voting for Project 2025 or Stephen Millers white civil rights campaign.
Shut the hell up white ---. Trump inherited economic growth from Obama. Biden/Harris have done far more for us than Trump. Your simple ass gives trump credit for things he did not create just because he happened to be in office. And we won't be voting for Project 2025 or Stephen Millers white civil rights campaign.
You are perpetuating lies. Obama's economy was stagnant. Remember Obama started America's decline and is still working very hard to destroy this country.
You are perpetuating lies. Obama's economy was stagnant. Remember Obama started America's decline and is still working very hard to destroy this country.
Here we see more ignorant bs.

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