It Sure Looks Like Kamala Harris Made Up Her Hard Knock Tale of Working at McDonald's

Seems she did work at McDonalds after all, but the question is still important. First, the question demonstrates how desperate trump is to find something, anything on Harris. Even if she had lied about her work history, whether she worked at a hamburger stand as a kid is a pathetic attack in a presidential race. Also, trump claimed he had researched the incident which displays his total incompetence. If he's too stupid to find where she worked at McDonalds, he's really too stupid to have the launch codes.
Great, you've got evidence?

It Sure Looks Like Kamala Harris Made Up Her Hard Knock Tale of Working at McDonald's

29 Aug 2024 ~~ By Bonchie

Did Kamala Harris ever work at McDonald's and if so, did the job help her "put herself through college?" Those might not seem like important questions on the surface, but when you consider the Democrat presidential nominee has been using the claim to fluff her supposedly hard-knock background, the truth of the matter becomes just a bit more relevant.
Further, McDonald's has not responded to multiple requests for comment on confirming her employment. As the Free Beacon notes, that's a marked change from how fast-food chains have previously acknowledged presidential candidates who once worked for them.
Here's the thing. This wouldn't have mattered had the Harris campaign not decided to use the claim as a political pressure point against her opponent. The moment she and her handlers decided to do that, whether she was lying or not became a question that should be answered.
Taking all these strands one by one, they aren't individually damning, but when you put them all together, it seems more and more likely she made up the claim for political gain. Lastly, this would be really easy to solve. All Harris has to do is tell us what restaurant she worked at, and it would take various investigative journalists a few hours to confirm her story. She won't, though, and I think we all know why.

Well you have to Kamala some credit. At least she didn't claim to be a coal digging miner, driving his 18 wheeler to a Black Baptist Synagogue that had Spanish Rebe.
Then again did she say worked for or at Mickey D's? For example, suppose she was turning tricks in Mickey's rest room?
Well to be fair she didn't work behind the counter she worked under the counter.
Shirley: This ain't a big deal.


A small lie like this compared to the bigger ones she's told (you know when she's lying when her lips are moving) is insignificant.

To sycophants like you, nothing matters....except power.

A small lie like this compared to the bigger ones she's told (you know when she's lying when her lips are moving) is insignificant.

To sycophants like you, nothing matters....except power.
If you're talking political power, that is completely meaningless to me.

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