Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

So you’re saying that Americans just have a more homicidal culture?
Left Wingers run our education systems now. Typically they are unsatisfied socialists who believe men can be women and vice versa. They also believe in a workless Utopia of equity. Politicians preach what they want to do for you, but not what you can do for yourself. The breakdown of the family and Family Values leads to a desperation in our young people that is quite deadly obviously. Guns are not the problem
What is the outcome of an abortion?

No bad acting .. just reality. Sheeple
What is the outcome of your bad acting?

People don't take you seriously. They know you're just trying to annoy people and get attention.

Hey... why is it , whenever I hear someone call trans "a mental illness", it's a youtube-educated Trumpling? Why never a professional from the field of psychology?
And you think that the democrats do?
Nobody has "the solutions". Because we don't know what will work well and what will not.

So we need to try some things. Yes, democrats have ideas. Republicans have only obstruction and naysaying.

Because, the gun nutter vote.
Nobody has "the solutions". Because we don't know what will work well and what will not.

So we need to try some things. Yes, democrats have ideas. Republicans have only obstruction and naysaying.

Because, the gun nutter vote.
Have you ever tried not lying in your responses.
Nobody has "the solutions". Because we don't know what will work well and what will not.

So we need to try some things. Yes, democrats have ideas. Republicans have only obstruction and naysaying.

Because, the gun nutter vote.
Another in your long history of lies.

You democrats whine and moan but do nothing about it, except to restrict the freedom others who disagree with you.
Lies, like the ones you use, hurt us al by blinding us from actual actions.

Those are big boy words, so I don't expect you to understand them.
When you are done whining like a little baby, you go ahead and directly address the ideas in my post.

Use your big boy words. I'm rooting for you.

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