Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Nah, that's a lie too. This is bad acting. You're full of shit.

If someone were murdering babies in your neighborhood, you would be patrolling with a shotgun.

Abortion? Sitting on your fat ass trying to annoy strangers on the internet.



What is the outcome of an abortion?

No bad acting .. just reality. Sheeple
Good idea! no more teachers in our society. I heard the Taliban has a spot available in Afghanistan for you. Harris Biden made sure to clear it.
I don’t think there’s a lot of overlap between the group of people that want to teach kids to read and the group of people that want to strap a gun to their hip when they go into work.
I don’t think there’s a lot of overlap between the group of people that want to teach kids to read and the group of people that want to strap a gun to their hip when they go into work.
If I was a teacher I would want to have a gun and there's a good reason to think that way.
Yes .. I care about the millions of babies killed every year and supported by you and democrats. You're somewhere in this photo.

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Something I never understood. I understand the Ultra Religious being against it, but what about the rest of the Republicans. I mean, they are aborting mostly future Democrats, I.E. future beggars of society. Not aborting them means they will probably be Socialists like their parents.
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
Challenges in Preventing School Shootings

Preventing school shootings is a complex issue, and there are several reasons why it remains a significant challenge in the United States.

1. Access to Firearms: One of the primary obstacles is the easy access to guns. Many school shootings are committed with firearms that are readily available in the shooters' homes or those of friends and relatives. Approximately 4.6 million American children live in homes where at least one gun is kept loaded and unlocked, which increases the risk of these weapons being used in violent acts.

2. Difficulty in Identifying Threats: Identifying potential threats before they escalate is incredibly challenging. Many individuals who commit these acts do not exhibit clear warning signs, making it difficult for parents, teachers, and mental health professionals to discern who may pose a risk. This uncertainty complicates efforts to intervene effectively.

3. Mental Health Issues: The mental health crisis among youth has been exacerbated by various societal factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Many students experience anxiety, depression, and social isolation, which can contribute to violent behaviors. However, the majority of individuals with mental health issues do not engage in violence, making it crucial to differentiate between those who need support and those who may pose a threat.

4. Cultural and Political Factors: The debate over gun control in the U.S. is deeply polarized. Many advocate for stricter gun laws, while others argue for the right to bear arms. This division makes it difficult to enact meaningful reforms that could help reduce the incidence of school shootings.

5. Ineffective Reporting Systems: In many cases, individuals who are aware of a potential threat do not report it. Studies indicate that in 4 out of 5 school shootings, at least one other person had knowledge of the attacker's plans but failed to report it. This highlights the need for better communication and reporting mechanisms within schools.


In summary, the combination of easy access to firearms, challenges in identifying potential threats, rising mental health issues, cultural divisions over gun control, and ineffective reporting systems contribute to the ongoing difficulty in preventing school shootings. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach that includes community engagement, mental health support, and legislative action.

The future is sometimes beyond our control. Whatever will happen, will happen. Whoever will die, will die. Fact of life! :)

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"Someone else" being the one body that can legislate.

The president being the one person who can sign laws.

You don't sound smart, when you act like this.

But you're saying dumb shit, because you can't admit it's your heroes that block gun control.

Because then your pathetic talking point is obliterated.
Presidents can issue E.O.'s and tell the Secretary of Education what to do.
Challenges in Preventing School Shootings

Preventing school shootings is a complex issue, and there are several reasons why it remains a significant challenge in the United States.

1. Access to Firearms: One of the primary obstacles is the easy access to guns. Many school shootings are committed with firearms that are readily available in the shooters' homes or those of friends and relatives. Approximately 4.6 million American children live in homes where at least one gun is kept loaded and unlocked, which increases the risk of these weapons being used in violent acts.

2. Difficulty in Identifying Threats: Identifying potential threats before they escalate is incredibly challenging. Many individuals who commit these acts do not exhibit clear warning signs, making it difficult for parents, teachers, and mental health professionals to discern who may pose a risk. This uncertainty complicates efforts to intervene effectively.

3. Mental Health Issues: The mental health crisis among youth has been exacerbated by various societal factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Many students experience anxiety, depression, and social isolation, which can contribute to violent behaviors. However, the majority of individuals with mental health issues do not engage in violence, making it crucial to differentiate between those who need support and those who may pose a threat.

4. Cultural and Political Factors: The debate over gun control in the U.S. is deeply polarized. Many advocate for stricter gun laws, while others argue for the right to bear arms. This division makes it difficult to enact meaningful reforms that could help reduce the incidence of school shootings.

5. Ineffective Reporting Systems: In many cases, individuals who are aware of a potential threat do not report it. Studies indicate that in 4 out of 5 school shootings, at least one other person had knowledge of the attacker's plans but failed to report it. This highlights the need for better communication and reporting mechanisms within schools.


In summary, the combination of easy access to firearms, challenges in identifying potential threats, rising mental health issues, cultural divisions over gun control, and ineffective reporting systems contribute to the ongoing difficulty in preventing school shootings. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach that includes community engagement, mental health support, and legislative action.

The future is sometimes beyond our control. Whatever will happen, will happen. Whoever will die, will die. Fact of life! :)

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Guns were more accessible when I was a kid, and more accessible than that when my parents were kids, so why do you think accessibility is the issue?
At 15, I walked through my neighborhood to the wood with my weapon to do some target shooting. If I showed up to Ag class without a knife on my belt, I would get an F for the day. In my parents' day, they had a gun range in their schools basements. Now explain what was different then, when we all used guns, to now, when guns are more restricted?

We had much less hate in society back then I suppose. I don’t know hone you were 15 or what bizarre ‘burb you grew up in

The South Carolina church shooting--because they were black.
The WalMart massacre because the shoppers were brown.
The Pittsburg synagogue massacre because they were jewish.
The Topps Grocery store massacre because they were black.

When you combine easy credit (which we have) with almost complete availability of guns (which we have) the result is going to be more guns in society (which we have). We haven’t matched the first two with any sort of examination of who is buying the guns so homicidal maniacs can get guns as easy as those who are not homicidal maniacs.
Challenges in Preventing School Shootings

Preventing school shootings is a complex issue, and there are several reasons why it remains a significant challenge in the United States.

1. Access to Firearms: One of the primary obstacles is the easy access to guns. Many school shootings are committed with firearms that are readily available in the shooters' homes or those of friends and relatives. Approximately 4.6 million American children live in homes where at least one gun is kept loaded and unlocked, which increases the risk of these weapons being used in violent acts.

2. Difficulty in Identifying Threats: Identifying potential threats before they escalate is incredibly challenging. Many individuals who commit these acts do not exhibit clear warning signs, making it difficult for parents, teachers, and mental health professionals to discern who may pose a risk. This uncertainty complicates efforts to intervene effectively.

3. Mental Health Issues: The mental health crisis among youth has been exacerbated by various societal factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Many students experience anxiety, depression, and social isolation, which can contribute to violent behaviors. However, the majority of individuals with mental health issues do not engage in violence, making it crucial to differentiate between those who need support and those who may pose a threat.

4. Cultural and Political Factors: The debate over gun control in the U.S. is deeply polarized. Many advocate for stricter gun laws, while others argue for the right to bear arms. This division makes it difficult to enact meaningful reforms that could help reduce the incidence of school shootings.

5. Ineffective Reporting Systems: In many cases, individuals who are aware of a potential threat do not report it. Studies indicate that in 4 out of 5 school shootings, at least one other person had knowledge of the attacker's plans but failed to report it. This highlights the need for better communication and reporting mechanisms within schools.


In summary, the combination of easy access to firearms, challenges in identifying potential threats, rising mental health issues, cultural divisions over gun control, and ineffective reporting systems contribute to the ongoing difficulty in preventing school shootings. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach that includes community engagement, mental health support, and legislative action.

The future is sometimes beyond our control. Whatever will happen, will happen. Whoever will die, will die. Fact of life! :)

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Yep...uniquely American.

We have a 2nd Amendment...nobody else does.

So we have these mass shootings on the regular...nobody else does.

The US is also the #1 distributor of “thoughts and prayers” from our leaders who we pay to come up with solutions.

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