Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

School shooters exert their might upon the innocents they gun down.

Their might does not make them right.
It would if there wasn't someone, some folks, mightier than they around to stop them.

Do you know why the "Good Guys" always win?

Who do you think writes the History Books?
And when did the founders say that everyone needs guns so they can overthrow the government?

Right to Bear Arms​

The text of the Second Amendment reads in full: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The framers of the Bill of Rights adapted the wording of the amendment from nearly identical clauses in some of the original 13 state constitutions.

During the Revolutionary War era, “militia” referred to groups of men who banded together to protect their communities, towns, colonies and eventually states, once the United States declared its independence from Great Britain in 1776.

Many people in America at the time believed governments used soldiers to oppress the people, and thought the federal government should only be allowed to raise armies (with full-time, paid soldiers) when facing foreign adversaries. For all other purposes, they believed, it should turn to part-time militias, or ordinary civilians using their own weapons.
Or how about this one.

Founding Fathers Quotes on Guns and the Second Amendment's Right to Keep & Bear Arms​

I.E. Founding Fathers quotes.
Let's see, the tranny murder trend is a Biden/Harris phenomenon, and it's ongoing. Do tell, oh silly one, exactly what's been done about it. DEI. maybe? Further exasperating the problem.

Other nations have transvestites...somehow they don’t have a “murder trend” as you put it. Other nations have racists like the ones who shot up the WalMart and the Topps grocery stores here; but they don’t have that “murder trend” either.

Logic would dictate that since other nations have the same population segments as mentioned above, the only difference is that those segments here have full access to weaponry...which is why we have the monthly blood baths and they do not.
More guns. Guns to protect us from the guns. Guns guns guns. That’s the solution.

If I were a teacher, I’d want to not be a teacher.
Good idea! no more teachers in our society. I heard the Taliban has a spot available in Afghanistan for you. Harris Biden made sure to clear it.
Other nations have transvestites...somehow they don’t have a “murder trend” as you put it. Other nations have racists like the ones who shot up the WalMart and the Topps grocery stores here; but they don’t have that “murder trend” either.

Logic would dictate that since other nations have the same population segments as mentioned above, the only difference is that those segments here have full access to weaponry...which is why we have the monthly blood baths and they do not.
I've been hearing knife attacks are on the rise. What do you suggest we do about that?
Other nations have transvestites...somehow they don’t have a “murder trend” as you put it. Other nations have racists like the ones who shot up the WalMart and the Topps grocery stores here; but they don’t have that “murder trend” either.

Logic would dictate that since other nations have the same population segments as mentioned above, the only difference is that those segments here have full access to weaponry...which is why we have the monthly blood baths and they do not.
At 15, I walked through my neighborhood to the wood with my weapon to do some target shooting. If I showed up to Ag class without a knife on my belt, I would get an F for the day. In my parents' day, they had a gun range in their schools basements. Now explain what was different then, when we all used guns, to now, when guns are more restricted?
I'm not a sheeple like you .. especially as we continue to see trends of mass shooters falling into the mental illness spectrum. You can be a good sheeple or respond as a mature adult.
Yes you are. You care more about about trans than dead children.

Because daddy says so.

Yes you are. You care more about about trans than dead children.

Because daddy says so.

Yes .. I care about the millions of babies killed every year and supported by you and democrats. You're somewhere in this photo.

Gave lip service to the problem and assumed someone else would figure it out, I.E. nothing.
"Someone else" being the one body that can legislate.

The president being the one person who can sign laws.

You don't sound smart, when you act like this.

But you're saying dumb shit, because you can't admit it's your heroes that block gun control.

Because then your pathetic talking point is obliterated.
Yes .. I care about the millions of babies killed every year and supported by you and democrats.
Nah, that's a lie too. This is bad acting. You're full of shit.

If someone were murdering babies in your neighborhood, you would be patrolling with a shotgun.

Abortion? Sitting on your fat ass trying to annoy strangers on the internet.




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