NY Times Title of Article.The Constitution is Sacred, but is it also DANGEROUS?

Even worse, he halted testing, allowing the virus to run completely unimpeded.

You moron, the virus runs unimpeded with or without testing.


This is just how profoundly stupid this self-anointed "very stable genius" is:

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

Covid was a glorified common cold.

Did you ever get tested for a cold?

What a doofus.

Guess what, a cold lasts a week if you treat it and 7;days if you don't.

Fraudci killed WORKING treatments like Ivermectin, and not one of the fucktard Dim governors was an MD, yet they practiced medicine without a license. Fraudci and the whole lot should be in jail
“So, instead of 25 million tests, let’s say we did 10 million tests. We’d look like we were doing much better because we’d have far fewer cases."

We elected this dumb fuck as our President.

One million Americans died because of his colossal stupidity, ignorance, incompetence, and ego.
HORSESHIT, lying leftard.

You're an ignorant liar
The Electoral College is definitely dangerous.

It's affirmative action for imbecile Republican candidates like Trump and Bush who can't win a presidential election any other way.
Why would they have to win another way? It’s the law.
Could it be leftists want to win every election and changing the law is the only way?
What an idiot.

Strike one.

Three strikes earns you a permanent ignore.

You dumbass loudmouth leftards have NOTHING.

Nothing anyone wants, that's for sure.

Thanks for the inflation, asshole.
As I was saying....you can't form a coherent argument about ANYTHING.

You are not highly educated and Dr. Fauci has more knowledge in his pinky than you do in your whole useless MAGA body.
Why would they have to win another way? It’s the law.
Could it be leftists want to win every election and changing the law is the only way?
Yep...it's the law -- affirmative action for dumb fucks like Trump and Bush who can't win the popular vote.

And that's the way cry baby MAGAts want it.

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