Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Yep...uniquely American.

We have a 2nd Amendment...nobody else does.

So we have these mass shootings on the regular...nobody else does.

The US is also the #1 distributor of “thoughts and prayers” from our leaders who we pay to come up with solutions.
There is a deep sickness in our society that didnt exist before libs took over the culture

School shooters are just one manifestation if that sickness
We had much less hate in society back then I suppose. I don’t know hone you were 15 or what bizarre ‘burb you grew up in

The South Carolina church shooting--because they were black.
The WalMart massacre because the shoppers were brown.
The Pittsburg synagogue massacre because they were jewish.
The Topps Grocery store massacre because they were black.

When you combine easy credit (which we have) with almost complete availability of guns (which we have) the result is going to be more guns in society (which we have). We haven’t matched the first two with any sort of examination of who is buying the guns so homicidal maniacs can get guns as easy as those who are not homicidal maniacs.
In lived in a slum near Orlando. We dumped our trash in the woods next to UCF, and I used that trash for target practice. My neighbor's Sceptic tank flooded, so I would take them to the retention pond that is in the middle of today's UCF science center, and played Gator guard while they took their baths.

My father was from a Coal Mining town in Eastern Illinois, and his county High School had a gun range in the basement.
Yep...uniquely American.

We have a 2nd Amendment...nobody else does.

So we have these mass shootings on the regular...nobody else does.

The US is also the #1 distributor of “thoughts and prayers” from our leaders who we pay to come up with solutions.
It's a cultural problem not a gun problem. Typically it's because of people like you, unsatisfied lunatic left Wingers who long for the government to support their asses. You are getting quite prolific in our country
They traced it to him
They traced an anonymous report to him. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the reported incident actually happened. The FBI traced it to him and met with him and his father.

So what are you suggesting? That they charge anyone who has an anonymous report made against them? Even if he is charged, how does that prevent this incident?
We had more guns, per person, 50 years ago and we didn't have mass shootings.
We had mass shootings 50 years ago. There were a lot fewer of them.

Today, anyone who wants a gun can buy one no-questions asked. Unfortunately those “anyones” include a lot of deranged people.
Well .. when you see trends with school shootings from the mentally ill LGBT alphabet group .. why would that be 'bizarre and delusional?'
There’s no trend. It’s almost always a disaffected white boy with parents who love guns.

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