Vance refers to the Georgia shooting as a "fact of life."

Really, school shooting now can be dismissed as a "fact of life" like these shooting are to expected and we just need to accept them as what they are...."Fact of Life." Vance needs to tell than to all the mothers and fathers who have seen their children shot up like pieces of meat, so badly, that it took DNA evidence to identify them. Vance is just another MAGA tool who is following the lead of the man called trump. Really....a "Fact of Life?"
The fact of life is democratic policies allow these people to run around loose and until we get rid of those stupid crime loving policies, these shootings are a fact of life.
He literally said “I don’t like the fact that this [shootings] have become a fact of life”.

The AP deleted their story.
What did you expect from the left? If they didn’t twist the context of every story, they probably wouldn’t have anything to talk about.

But did you bother reading or listening to his entire take on it?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i heard it yes.

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