Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

So...he has no solutions...
Democrats don’t. Their proposals wouldn’t have stopped nearly any of these.

Cars kill 70-80 people a day. There will be occasional freaks who commit horrible acts of violence.

The weird people are the ones who act shocked that occasional horrible events cannot happen in society.. like you. They do. It’s tragic, but it will happen. Thankfully it’s infinitely rare.
Democrats don’t. Their proposals wouldn’t have stopped nearly any of these.

Cars kill 70-80 people a day. There will be occasional freaks who commit horrible acts of violence.

The weird people are the ones who act shocked that occasional horrible events cannot happen in society.. like you. They do. It’s tragic, but it will happen. Thankfully it’s infinitely rare.
Democrats have ideas and try to pass them.

Republicans obstruct all of those ideas and try to repeal and strike the laws that are on the books now.

No amount of weaselly equivocation is going to change these facts.
I’m not sure what you’re saying...apparently you think mass shootings can be prevented by American cops carrying Uzis...

Is that your point?
I am saying there is probably a need for German cops to carry Uzi's, or they wouldn't be carrying them, in reply to how rosy everything is in Europe.
I am saying there is probably a need for German cops to carry Uzi's, or they wouldn't be carrying them, in reply to how rosy everything is in Europe.
They carry MP-5s, and Walther MPL's.
The Government of AZ?
You have to remember: you're talking to a rabid, delusional cultist.

This guy will tell you that gun laws do nothing. Because criminals will just all get guns anyway.

Then 5 seconds later he will pretend the criminals have a hard time getting guns and wouldn't have any if we hadn't done an undercover gun operation.

Don't try to make sense of it. He is just flinging his own poo.
Moron, I just did but as expected, you refuse to understand. Just as I predicted.
No you didn't. You didn't name a single idea and describe why it is false.

Nor will you. You will just sit there and whine like a little baby and puke your boilerplate garbage.

Surprise me.

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