Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Sigh .. what a stupid comment. Guns aren't the problem. Mental illness, which is the predominant trend we see for those committing mass shootings. Why go after a symptom when you can target the underlying problem?

Removing guns doesn't solve the problem ..
If mental illness is the problem then why are Trump & his Washington asslickers lke Cancun Ted fighting against Red Flag laws?

I'll tell yoy why. Trump, Cancun Ted & the rest of those scumbags are owned by the NRA & the gun lobby.
Democrats are behind all school shootings....

because if a Republican did a school shooting, all the education bureaucrats would get shot, not the kids....
So in your 'informed' opinion the only difference between the land of freedom and these trashy hellholes you wish to compare us to is only guns?
Norway is a hell hole? Sweden is a hell hole? France, Japan, Sydney???

Yes the difference is guns.
How narrow minded of you. Run along, such simplistic silliness has no place in any real discussion.
I guess you just confirmed that you have nothing but insults.

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