Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Something I never understood. I understand the Ultra Religious being against it, but what about the rest of the Republicans. I mean, they are aborting mostly future Democrats, I.E. future beggars of society. Not aborting them means they will probably be Socialists like their parents.
I'm definitely not an ultra-religious person, yet, it's terminating a life. There are more protections for Eagle eggs and Turtle eggs than human life, so there is obviously a problem from the left on terminating life. Crush a nest full of turtle eggs, and you'll be facing huge fines, jail and / or steep legal penalties.
If mental illness is the problem then why are Trump & his Washington asslickers lke Cancun Ted fighting against Red Flag laws?

I'll tell yoy why. Trump, Cancun Ted & the rest of those scumbags are owned by the NRA & the gun lobby.
Really? Trump was the one who called for Red Flag Laws after the 2019 mass shooting that killed 31 people. How are those Red Flag laws doing by the way?
Yes there is .. I can think of 3 major incidents in the last year that involved trannies and pretty much every other mass shooting involving mentally ill individuals.
And then your brain short-circuited and concluded 'trans is therefore a mental illness'?

What point do you imagine you just made?
Norway is a hell hole? Sweden is a hell hole? France, Japan, Sydney???

Yes the difference is guns.

I guess you just confirmed that you have nothing but insults.
All lesser nations are hellholes.

There are many differences, only a fool would see one thing and think that's it. Don't be a simple minded twit and you won't be treated like one. Cry elsewhere if all you offer is silliness.
Any normal adult would see that men can't become women because they feel like a woman.
Hmm, some can, for any practical purpose. Some only make it haflway. It comes in degrees, I say.

they've always been around, really. It's only an issue now because of right wing fear porn. And only very recently, really. Sure, the "hate the gays" part of the base is not tiny or new, but mainstream Republicans have mostly been rolling their eyes at them for a long time.

Until recently. Now it's a mealticket, on the back of fear porn.
This nation IS great, and has never been homogeneous.
What about that pesky truth?
Watch the pie chart…it demonstrates how we became the shithole we are today.

Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
It's called the decline of American civilization. Many things contributed to this. I would argue the last 50 years have seen the worst decline, but I might be impartial because I lived those 50 years.
So what happened?
Not disciplining our kids maybe?
Forcing Ritalin into our kids attending public schools for acting out in class?
Now those kids are having kids and have no idea how to raise them. And the cycle continues. And they will all vote for kamala - because our public schools, universities, and televisions tell them to. They are told that they need the government to take care of them. There is no longer any responsibility or accountability. The government will take all those burdens away!
It all starts with parents raising their kids. Not schools, not governments, not television and internet. PARENTS. In many cases, parents on mind-altering drugs.
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It's called the decline of American civilization. Many things contributed to this. I would argue the last 50 years have seen the worst decline, but I might be impartial because I lived those 50 years.
So what happened?
Not disciplining our kids maybe?
Forcing Ritalin into our kids attending public schools for acting out in class?
Now those kids are having kids and have no idea how to raise their them. And the cycle continues. And they will all vote for kamala - because our public schools, universities, and televisions tell them to. They are told that they need the government to take care of them. There is no longer any responsibility or accountability. The government will take all those burdens away!
It all starts with parents raising their kids. Not schools, not governments, not television and internet. PARENTS. In many cases, parents on mind-altering drugs.

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