Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

It's called the decline of American civilization. Many things contributed to this. I would argue the last 50 years have seen the worst decline, but I might be impartial because I lived those 50 years.
So what happened?
Not disciplining our kids maybe?
Forcing Ritalin into our kids attending public schools for acting out in class?
Now those kids are having kids and have no idea how to raise them. And the cycle continues. And they will all vote for kamala - because our public schools, universities, and televisions tell them to. They are told that they need the government to take care of them. There is no longer any responsibility or accountability. The government will take all those burdens away!
It all starts with parents raising their kids. Not schools, not governments, not television and internet. PARENTS. In many cases, parents on mind-altering drugs.
Well, no worry...Trump promised free IVF procedures. I'm sure that will solve it.
It's called the decline of American civilization. Many things contributed to this. I would argue the last 50 years have seen the worst decline, but I might be impartial because I lived those 50 years.
So what happened?
Not disciplining our kids maybe?
Forcing Ritalin into our kids attending public schools for acting out in class?
Now those kids are having kids and have no idea how to raise them. And the cycle continues. And they will all vote for kamala - because our public schools, universities, and televisions tell them to. They are told that they need the government to take care of them. There is no longer any responsibility or accountability. The government will take all those burdens away!
It all starts with parents raising their kids. Not schools, not governments, not television and internet. PARENTS. In many cases, parents on mind-altering drugs.
Yea, we can see that the "gubmint" is taking care of everyone by the number of homeless in this Country which is estimated to be over 600,000.
Agreed. Gun culture is out of control.
Then you should start a movement to eliminate guns from your sphere of influence. You can start by encouraging anyone you know to turn in their firearms to the local sheriffs office, and get your state legislature to try and write laws banning guns in your state.

It may be small, but you have to start somewhere.

Once you eliminate guns from your own home, and the homes of the people you know, and the people in your state, then you can move to working on the rest of the country.

Baby steps
So...he has no solutions...
Give us your gun control bill, how would you write it to enforce gun bans, that do not run afoul of the 2A. I’d be curious of how you would eliminate certain types of guns, and ensure that both, those guns would never be used in shootings again, and you don’t put the safety of law abiding citizens in jeopardy.
Give us your gun control bill, how would you write it to enforce gun bans, that do not run afoul of the 2A. I’d be curious of how you would eliminate certain types of guns, and ensure that both, those guns would never be used in shootings again, and you don’t put the safety of law abiding citizens in jeopardy.
It begins and ends with the 2nd Amendment. We have it and as long as we do, these regular massacres will continue. Other nations don't have it and don't have the regular massacres.

At any rate, I'm not the one who is running for President.
It begins and ends with the 2nd Amendment. We have it and as long as we do, these regular massacres will continue. Other nations don't have it and don't have the regular massacres.

At any rate, I'm not the one who is running for President.
So you are in favor of abolishing 2A then?
I'll take England.
And we have guns, anyone can apply. On shotguns, there's no age limits. It's just that, a poor police record, a poor medical record, failed family interviews etc.. scuppers your application. This vastly reduces undesirables getting their hands on a gun. It creates a culture where many suitable gun owners don't bother applying for a gun.

It doesn't stop incidents, but one Saturday evening of gun stats in the USA is greater than a full year in the UK
So you want the DOJ to arrest all teenagers who make violent threats online, regardless of proof.

Does this accurately describe what you believe?
in this case the FBI had proof if you believe anything the FBI says

Dangerous children do not have to be locked up for life but they need attention
I'll take England.

Ok, so for England:

Firearms are permitted but you have to obtain a license from the police. Depending on where you live, this could take as little as a few weeks, up to almost 2 years.

Single shot shotguns and single shot rifles are permitted and semi automatic rifles are permitted as long as they are not bigger and .22 caliber.

Shotguns can hold no more than 3 rounds.

For firearms other than a shotgun, you have to have a good reason for wanting one and self defense is not going to be considered a good reason.

Now, there are more than 300 million guns in the U.S., and probably many more times that in large capacity magazines. Tens of thousands of AR-15 rifles and various caliber handguns (handguns are prohibited in the UK).

Knowing this, and that a police response could be over 15 minutes, if I am a law abiding citizen and turn in all my firearms that are no longer legal, how do you intend to protect me from the person who decided they are not going to turn in their illegal firearms. And they do a home invasion with a 30 round magazine AR-15, and all I have is a 3 round pump shot gun, or a .22 bolt action rifle?
They zero’d in on the kid

Whatever internet voodoo the FBI practices it led them to the right person
So what kind of “attention” should he have received?

Does that go for anyone who threatens violence on the internet? What about the people who express support for violence on the internet? Hmmmmm.
Ok, so for England:

Firearms are permitted but you have to obtain a license from the police. Depending on where you live, this could take as little as a few weeks, up to almost 2 years.

Single shot shotguns and single shot rifles are permitted and semi automatic rifles are permitted as long as they are not bigger and .22 caliber.

Shotguns can hold no more than 3 rounds.

For firearms other than a shotgun, you have to have a good reason for wanting one and self defense is not going to be considered a good reason.

Now, there are more than 300 million guns in the U.S., and probably many more times that in large capacity magazines. Tens of thousands of AR-15 rifles and various caliber handguns (handguns are prohibited in the UK).

Knowing this, and that a police response could be over 15 minutes, if I am a law abiding citizen and turn in all my firearms that are no longer legal, how do you intend to protect me from the person who decided they are not going to turn in their illegal firearms. And they do a home invasion with a 30 round magazine AR-15, and all I have is a 3 round pump shot gun, or a .22 bolt action rifle?
If you keep your arsenal and 12 dudes roll up similarly armed, you're outgunned anyway. I'm not sure how the scenario you're listing above applies.

I am sure that Europe has this problem solved (with some exceptions). We don't. Are we just more homicidal? I don't think we are.

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