What america needs right now is

They don't need to be, but they are anyway.

Worked for a Jew my first job out of the army. Seriously, getting a quarter an hour raise out of him was like pulling his teeth. Then he wondered why his employees kept taking better paying jobs elsewhere.

Towards the end, he was using a temp agency that hired the homeless, but they scared him too much.
Seriously?!? :rolleyes:
I did. And had biology classes. There are two gender possibilities for humans. Male and female. That is assigned at birth. If that confuses you I’m not the problem here.
Of course, that’s just babble and you have no proof.

Yale school of medicine.
Of course, that’s just babble and you have no proof.
I have 8 billion people as proof. Not a single one of them was born without male sperm and a nine month gestation period in a female womb. There’s no person on this planet that didn’t arrive here through a vagina. So the score is me 8 billion, you zero.
I have 8 billion people as proof. Not a single one of them was born without male sperm and a nine month gestation period in a female womb. There’s no person on this planet that didn’t arrive here through a vagina. So the score is me 8 billion, you zero.
Another non reader just babbling to hear yourself talk. And this time, you’re off topic bozo.
Need some help ?
You think you had bio classes. You must have been sleeping……
Maybe, you think I just nodded off after the male and female part and missed the they them trans part?

I do specifically remember dissecting a frog and the first thing we did was determine if we had a male or female frog. Nobody in the class ended up with a non-binary frog. Or a trans frog. Or a they them frog. Shockingly all of the frogs ended up male or female.

I’m thinking I probably didn’t sleep through all of that.
I want biological men to be able to have womb transplants! Men should be able to have babies! Freedom. We have the science, tech and ability to make this reality and goddamn it we should use it.

Gays should be able to have biological children!

Yeah...that's a huge issue.

Top of the line.

Sorry lady (or whatever you are), but I think inflation and the border are probably more important the your science fiction fantasys.
Why is this thread in politics.

Should it not be in the flame zone ?

That's right...they shut down the "Simply Stupid" forum.

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