You are unemployed and want a new job, under a Democratic president you have a better chance of getting one!

the Russians have their own version of our "Monroe doctrine"

The largest nation in the world, with the biggest inferiority complex. LOL!
We're allowed to enforce our Monroe Doctrine, but not Russia? We can't accommodate or at least work with their security concerns and see if we can build better relations with them, without compromising our relationship with other Eastern European nations? You're a poor foreign policy analyst. Your world view leads to perpetual war and even the eventual destruction of human civilization, via WWIII.
We're allowed to enforce our Monroe Doctrine, but not Russia? We can't accommodate or at least work with their security concerns and see if we can build better relations with Russia, without compromising our relationship with other Eastern European nations. You're a poor foreign policy analyst. Your world view leads to perpetual war and even the eventual destruction of human civilization, via WWIII.

If Russia ever occupied your country, you're not allowed to ever defend yourself against Russia in the future.

It makes Russia sad.

You're a poor foreign policy analyst. Your world view leads to perpetual war

I agree, those nations need to invite Russian troops back in. For peace!
If Russia ever occupied your country, you're not allowed to ever defend yourself against Russia in the future.

It makes Russia sad.

You're a poor foreign policy analyst. Your world view leads to perpetual war

I agree, those nations need to invite Russian troops back in. For peace!

More flawed, shallow, short-sighted conclusions, while completely ignoring much of what I said. Todd, others will simply read what I said about this issue a few posts earlier, and see how disingenuous you are. Do I have to repeat myself again, with all of the same talking points? I won't but I'll say this...

First of all, what does this have to do with us? We're on the American continent surrounded by two vast oceans, thousands of miles away from Eastern Europe. Does Todd have to send his sons and daughters to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine to fight Russia's supposed imminent invasion or occupation of those lands? WOW, when did you graduate from Oral Roberts? Ask yourself what is the context of that conflict, and does it apply to the US or even to Western Europe, where we have security commitments? Do we have to deploy our sons and daughters to fight and maybe die a horrible death, in Estonia? Ukraine? Really?

You admitted earlier, that the reason you want NATO there isn't because post-Soviet Russia was threatening those countries with military aggression but because they were part of the USSR, decades ago, before its collapse. That supposedly warrants us saber rattling with NATO, a Cold War military alliance, inherently hostile to Russia, operationally, doctrinally, and historically, in Eastern Europe, right near Russia's borders.

Isn't there a less provocative, aggressive way to improve diplomatic relations between Russia and other Eastern European nations, other than deploying American troops and hardware? Is that really the best way to achieve that? There is so much we could've done in the 1990s, in the 2000s, to improve our relations with Russia and their relations with Eastern European countries. We failed, due to fuzzy Todd "logic", which includes the reckless pursuit of profits and power, by the Western ruling class. Todd sees foreign policy through the prism of American capitalist imperialism, which in his mind justifies the saber rattling and jingoism. The result of that is instability, more wars, and of course, an increase in profits for Western capital.

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According to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Fannie and Freddie were involved in about 20% of subprime purchases

Did you actually look for info on their website?
Send me the link to your evidence against what I said. If you want to change the topic now and get back into the 2008 capitalist-run economic recession, sure, let's do that. Link, please. Let's wrestle some more with it.
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