British Army Rapes And Murder Cover Up In Kenya

This is an outrage and more outrageous is the cover up just one more scandal among many others.

Black Muslims there are doing all that and cutting the women's breasts off too!
belongs to history section

back to reality , our days :

Kenyan police do not want to pursue these cold cases because of a lack of hard evidence. Japan and the US have cooperated fully to hold some American soldiers in Okinawa accountable for their crimes. There should be a similar agreement between Kenya and Britain but the colonial relationship between the two countries is still unequal.

In September 2015, talks between former British Prime Minister David Cameron and former Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta resulted in an agreement which clarified that British soldiers would be tried in Kenya, but not necessarily to Kenyan law, and that British military sites would be subject to Kenyan inspection. Additionally, increased training opportunities were to be offered to Kenyan troops.

one for sure, mongol- moscow 🇸🇦 🐷 🇷🇺 rapists are gonna pay in the Hague for your war - crimes in Ukraine

one for sure, mongol- moscow 🇸🇦 🐷 🇷🇺 rapists are gonna pay in the Hague for your war - crimes in Ukraine

My observation of Russia is that they sure know how to fuck up what's there.
Things might would be OK, but they gotta fuck it up.
This case happened long after Kenya gained independence from the UK and were no longer a part of the British Empire.
There hasnt been an empire for a long time. It was replaced by the commonwealth whuch britain still operates.
You could research the mau mau rebellions if you want to get the full picture of colonial rule.

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