Alleged Apalachee Shooter Was Known to FBI, Made Threats Last Year

I’ll entertain serious questions.

Anyway, looks like the father was hauled in…bought it for the kid for Christmas last year…
What is the significance of the kid being on the FBI’s “radar”? MAGA seems to think it is. Does that mean we have to haul in every kid on which they get a “report”?

I'll post this in this thread. Why aren't politicians, the MSM, and the anti-gunners fighting against this carnage? Where is the outrage: Some of you want to point to red states, while the big blue cities, lead the entire country in crime. Gangs and thuggery run rampant. Politicians and the MSM will run wild with a school shooting, but you have to hunt down the media attention to the travesty of gun crime in the big cities.

Chicago shootings: At least 109 shot, 19 fatally, in citywide holiday weekend gun violence, CPD says​

Chicago shootings: At least 33 shot, 6 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say​

I'll post this in this thread. Why aren't politicians, the MSM, and the anti-gunners fighting against this carnage? Where is the outrage: Some of you want to point to red states, while the big blue cities, lead the entire country in crime. Gangs and thuggery run rampant. Politicians and the MSM will run wild with a school shooting, but you have to hunt down the media attention to the travesty of gun crime in the big cities.

Chicago shootings: At least 109 shot, 19 fatally, in citywide holiday weekend gun violence, CPD says​

Chicago shootings: At least 33 shot, 6 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say​

Hey, I would LOVE it if single shootings got nationwide attention, but we have 19,000 gun murders a year in this country. That's 52 a day. More happen in the urban areas because m ore people live in the Urban Areas. We've turned this carnage into white noise unless there's something like a school shooting where we pay attention for a minute and maybe ask where little Timmy got a military-grade weapon to mow down his classmates.

But until we love our children more than we love our guns, don't expect this shit to get fixed.
Hey, I would LOVE it if single shootings got nationwide attention, but we have 19,000 gun murders a year in this country. That's 52 a day. More happen in the urban areas because m ore people live in the Urban Areas. We've turned this carnage into white noise unless there's something like a school shooting where we pay attention for a minute and maybe ask where little Timmy got a military-grade weapon to mow down his classmates.

But until we love our children more than we love our guns, don't expect this shit to get fixed.
I can't disagree with some of this. The concern? The agenda of the attention that a school shooting garners in comparison and the justifications used in the urban shootings. There is an absolute political agenda when these school occur. Yet, comparatively, urban gun crime data out weighs significantly. Yet, the politicians and the MSM hedge their bets on the emotional outrage of their constituents.

I believe it not a fair statement to say "Until we love our children more", that is conjecture and mental manipulation. That's like saying to your wife "If you loved me, you'll rub my back".

What we should be asking ourselves is how do we as a nation, that has protected our right to bear arms, first and foremost to protect our constitutional freedoms from the gov't (and don't devolve this into a Militia debate as you like to do) create a more educated and consciously aware nation that truly respects the right of the 2A while also understanding the consequences of being a irresponsible gun owner.

I would assume, that a good portion of gun owners, if you asked why they have the right to "bear arms" their first answer would not be to protect our constitutional freedoms from tyranny. The answers could be all over the board depending on regions, race, sex, etc.

Perhaps, if our people were properly educated about our constitution, understood the context of its framing and establishment, and understood further our amendments and purposes, the 2A would have more "reverence". Which means the citizens would treat this right with honorable respect which leads to proper ownership and a better culture.
This article is shedding some light on the family situation that Colt grew up in. Parents of young kids, you have a responsibility to your kids and your family. What you do, what you say, how you live and react to situations can and will impact your children.

Georgia high school shooting suspect referenced Parkland massacre in writings found in his bedroom, source says​

I can't disagree with some of this. The concern? The agenda of the attention that a school shooting garners in comparison and the justifications used in the urban shootings. There is an absolute political agenda when these school occur. Yet, comparatively, urban gun crime data out weighs significantly. Yet, the politicians and the MSM hedge their bets on the emotional outrage of their constituents.

Or maybe the people who get shot in Urban violence get less attention because they aren't white, but that's a whole different discussion. School shootings get more attention because it could happen in your child's school. That's why white folks pay attention to it when it happens (way too often.)

I believe it not a fair statement to say "Until we love our children more", that is conjecture and mental manipulation. That's like saying to your wife "If you loved me, you'll rub my back".

No, it's an accurate statement. We could invoke common sense gun laws in this country to keep them out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them. In this case, the FBI KNEW that this kid was an issue, but no action was taken by local law enforcement because we love our guns more than we love our children.

Just like my neighbor who shot out his patio door 10 years ago, didn't have his gun confiscated by the local police, despite IL having a red flag law. If that wasn't a red flag, I don't know what is. A month later, he shot himself.

What we should be asking ourselves is how do we as a nation, that has protected our right to bear arms, first and foremost to protect our constitutional freedoms from the gov't (and don't devolve this into a Militia debate as you like to do) create a more educated and consciously aware nation that truly respects the right of the 2A while also understanding the consequences of being a irresponsible gun owner.

Why should I have to tolerate "irresponsible gun owners" because you guys have mangled an amendment about militias into a god-given right for any fucking lunatic to own a gun?

I would assume, that a good portion of gun owners, if you asked why they have the right to "bear arms" their first answer would not be to protect our constitutional freedoms from tyranny. The answers could be all over the board depending on regions, race, sex, etc.

No, most people own guns because they are scared. They are scared because the gun industry has made it way too easy for criminals and crazy people to get guns, so I want one, too.

Anyone who says he needs a gun to protect him from tyranny is a fucking idiot and I just can't take that person seriously. THE GOVERNMENT HAS TANKS! TANK BEATS GUN!!!!

Perhaps, if our people were properly educated about our constitution, understood the context of its framing and establishment, and understood further our amendments and purposes, the 2A would have more "reverence". Which means the citizens would treat this right with honorable respect which leads to proper ownership and a better culture.

Or maybe we would realize that the thoughts of 18th century slave rapists really shouldn't be considered in our world.

George Washington couldn't have imagined an AR-15!. In his day, Muskets took minutes to reload and were only effective when fired in volleys.
Looks like another Tranny nutcase:



View attachment 1007012

Aunt confirms he is a mental nutcase:

How could someone with a manly ass name like that turn out to be such a crazy ass weak willed pussy?

This, this is why we don't need gun control. We need criminal, crazy and druggie control. They are the ones going out and hurting other people on purpose. If we remove them from society we don't need any gun control because the other 98% of America has never shot anyone
This article is shedding some light on the family situation that Colt grew up in. Parents of young kids, you have a responsibility to your kids and your family. What you do, what you say, how you live and react to situations can and will impact your children.

Georgia high school shooting suspect referenced Parkland massacre in writings found in his bedroom, source says​

Uh, guy, we live in a country where "True Crime" is a thing. If "having an interest in a crime" because a red flag, we'd have to arrest everyone who watches basic cable, they have whole channels dedicated to that shit.

The problem is, we have guns in the hands of people who have no business having them. Period. We need to do something about that, but the most unstable people have dominated this conversation.
If the parents knew their son was mentally unhinged, and allowed him access to a gun, then hell yes they should be held accountable.
But if the kid just kills someone in self defense, that never comes up.

In fact, he becomes a hero to a third of the country.

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