Alleged Apalachee Shooter Was Known to FBI, Made Threats Last Year

I don't give a shit what color he is. Or what his parents are.

He is a fourteen year old child who has grown up in a society where guns are not only treated as ubiquitous and necessary, but are even glorified.

Such a society is going to produce children like this as if it were an assembly line.
Lol, the county Sheriff was the original contact. Guess what party he is from. Lol. This shit does not happen in a vacuum. Why did the Sheriff drop the ball? It was his jurisdiction. How many damn FBI agents does your dumb ass think there is? Ya think think the fbi has time to track down every stupid comment made online across the entire nation? What a joke!
No the fbi was the original contact, the xiden and harris DOJ, then pawned it off on the local sheriff.
I don't give a shit what color he is. Or what his parents are.

He is a fourteen year old child who has grown up in a society where guns are not only treated as ubiquitous and necessary, but are even glorified.

Such a society is going to produce children like this as if it were an assembly line.
Marxism has surpassed Guns in our society
Well, another one.

But there was nothing they could do (as they always claim). Now hey've been sent to investigate (screw it up?).

The FBI's Atlanta Field Office has released some new details about the alleged shooter responsible for killing four and injuring several others at Apalachee High School on Wednesday.
Among the details was the fact that Colt Gray had been investigated previously for making online threats to commit a school shooting in 2023.


Get over it.

It's a fact of life.
Lol, no they weren't. You are a dumb ass.
Of course they were:


Georgia high school shooting suspect was previously interviewed after FBI received reports of online threats​

The Harris/Xiden FBI got reports of online threats, they were the first to get the information
Of course they were:

Georgia high school shooting suspect was previously interviewed after FBI received reports of online threats​

The Harris/Xiden FBI got reports of online threats, they were the first to get the information

He was interviewed by both. Locals are more responsible for their own shit.
Peddle Bans & Buybacks somewhere else
Buybacks? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

These people are loons.

What happens when 85-90% of the people don't sell?
Suddenly, there's a huge number of criminals in possession of firearms which can only be bought/sold on the black market -- a market which will, of course, explode.

How does that make us safer?

Lol, who is responsible for your house ass wipe. You or your daddy? Your house your responsibility.
what? what a weird post.

You don't think the state of GA falls within the United States? You know, what the DOJ and FBI have jurisdiction over? Are you saying when Harris and XIden are in charge of those agencies, we are all on our own and can't count on them? Well, at least you are honest

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