Right-Wing Influencer Network Tenet Media Spread PUTIN Disinformation

Not how it works. You're the one making the scurrilous accusations against Rubin. If you can't back up your bullshit, don't spew it for your cult.
I am repeating what is being reported...I can give you links to articles, but that will likely not include videos, I have linked to articles already. I don't know who Rubin is, you obviously do....so if you want to search more for what's being reported about him or the videos he was paid to produce, go right ahead.... As I mentioned, I don't have the bandwidth to view or easily view, in a timely manner....

What I saw, of these influencers, was on the 24/7 news stations showing them....I don't know what name goes with what video shown, except for Tim Pool, I recognize him and his voice..

I'm sorry....can't help you!
Trump was President a decade ago?

How did I miss that?

Trump invited NATO to occupy Crimea and the Black Sea Port?

How did I miss that?
It's been a continious process, not a single event.

The separatist war in Eastern Ukraine (proped up by Russia in violation of Minsk Agreements) has been going on the entire time Trump was in office.
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Looks like most of the Trumpsters don't give a shit that the voices they trust are literally serving the murderous, former KGB officer and now dictator Putin.

What a shock.

They always talk about "freedom" and "liberty", yet they adore the authoritarian strongmen. Weird. It's almost like they've been fooled.
I am repeating what is being reported...
Yup, textbook definition of being a useful idiot. This is the same DOJ and the same media that perpetrated the Russia Russia Russia hoax and buried the laptop to give Biden the election. Third time around you have to realize you are being used.
I can give you links to articles, but that will likely not include videos, I have linked to articles already. I don't know who Rubin is,
You called him out by name.
you obviously do....so if you want to search more for what's being reported about him or the videos he was paid to produce, go right ahead.... As I mentioned, I don't have the bandwidth to view or easily view, in a timely manner....

What I saw, of these influencers, was on the 24/7 news stations showing them....I don't know what name goes with what video shown, except for Tim Pool, I recognize him and his voice..

I'm sorry....can't help you!
Well, I thought you were better than being used as a useful idiot. Oh well.
Looks like most of the Trumpsters don't give a shit that the voices they trust are literally serving the murderous, former KGB officer and now dictator Putin.

What a shock.

They always talk about "freedom" and "liberty", yet they adore the authoritarian strongmen. Weird. It's almost like they've been fooled.
Good German. Your masters are proud.
There has to be some upper bound to your perpetual display of gullibility and imbecility. But so far, it hasn’t been fond.
Putin <3 Kamala!

Moscow propagandists about Kamala Harris: "Kamala Harris is distilled EVIL ... She's the DEVIL "

Even Putin´s thugs are afraid of Kamala taking office. This is gold. some say that If Muscovites hate her, she's the one. I am not 100% convinced (yet ) I want to see her plan for Ukraine- Belarus - Georgia - Moldova - NATO first. I want to see her strategy . 'Breaking up Moscow empire is the only way to end its imperialism', And I don’t mean Putin´s imperialism, but Moscow 🇷🇺 imperialism in general , from Solzhenitsynand Brodsky to Yeltsin and Dugin.

Never heard of them. They must have some strong influence.

Never heard of them. They must have some strong influence.
have you heard about tucker 🇷🇺 carlson ?




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The Gobbles&Yuri Levitan of XXI century

Gasp! Russia is conducting covert operations in the U.S.? Are you kidding me? That’s never happened before has it?

Next thing you’re going to tell me is that the US has been conducting similar operations in Russia since the 1950’s. Holy shit!

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