August jobs report.....Weak and June/July revised downward

Fauci recommended it...Trump made the mistake of trusting that greedy midget.

Everyone DIDN'T get to see how impaired Biden was because he stayed in his basement and the Main Stream Media conducted his campaign FOR him!

From a health perspective it was a good idea. The death rate dropped for a while.

From an economic perspective, it was a horrible idea. But Fauci is a doctor, so he made the right call as a doctor. Trump was president. He didn't make the right call because so many suffered economically.

And it was still Trump, not Fauci, who spoke to the American people and recommended it.

As far as Biden's senility, I recognized that in 2020. If I did, many did. He hid out to avoid catching it. Especially considering his age group was among the highest death rates. Trump didn't hide from it and he caught it. Fortunately, he was on the right meds and recovered fairly quickly. Oh, and irresponsibly killed others at his gatherings. Biden responsibly hid out and didn't spread it. It helped him win the election.
Which IMO, they should have already been doing. If they don't do it now, I think there's a good chance they will by the end of next week. CPI figures come out on Wednesday.
Why? You're motivation is to aid Harris, not the nation.

In fact, I have concerns about them lowering it now.

However, the real problem here is that too many people are addicted to cheap money. You'd think that the left, if they were in their traditional liberal roles, would be opposed to making money so cheap that the Corporate world and investors could become filthy rich.

As it stands, interest rates right now are at historical norms.
Well that's not true. Everyone already saw how impaired Biden was.

And again, the economy was shutdown right after Trump recommended it. He doesn't get a pass because states listened to him.

Speaking of economic shutdown, the Biden/Harris market is starting to reap the benefits of their economic stupidity.

A 1,013 point loss and still sinking in only three days. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao::21:

More people died of Covid under Joe Biden than died under Donald Trump and that's AFTER Trump provided Biden with the vaccines and ventilators to treat Covid!


What utter bullshit. You're literally comparing the nominal number of deaths under Trump's 11 months with the nominal number under Biden's 43 months of dealing with covid. And that sounds like a valid comparison to you, huh? :eusa_doh:

If you were an honest debater, you'd say that during Trump's 11 months, there were about 443,720 covid related deaths, about 40,339 deaths per month.

During Biden's 43 months, there have been about 754,696 covid related deaths, about 17,551 deaths per month

Trump: 40,339/month
Biden: 17,551/month

The covid death rate was about 2.3 times worse under Trump than it is under Biden.

All you need to know is if a conservative is speaking, they're lying.
Speaking of economic shutdown, the Biden/Harris market is starting to reap the benefits of their economic stupidity.

A 1,013 point loss and still sinking in only three days. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao::21:

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Markets go up, markets go down. About a month ago, they came down worse than the last 3 days. Rightards were calling it the Kamala Crash. But then it came back strong enough that the Dow & S&P500 hit record highs. It's down now but will come back again.

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