August jobs report.....Weak and June/July revised downward

Blaming Trump instead of the CCP sniffle virus like a good little comrade, eh?

How many CN¥ do they pay you to shitpost?

I like how you credit Trump with job growth during covid, but not Biden. Almost as funny as now that Harris is running, you refer to Biden as "Biden/Harris". Only because she's running. If she wasn't running, you'd just call him "Biden."

Job growth under Trump during most of his last year was also due to covid jobs coming back. Should we deduct those too from Trump's record? And Trump added $7.8 trillion to the debt to lose 2½ million jobs.
Than you double down on the stupidity by blaming Trump for adding all of that money to the debt! When you shut down people's means to earn a living for month after month then you have to support them. That was a decision made by both parties which you know very well.
Covid is a "silly excuse"? That's a ridiculous statement, Faun. You and I both know that the "job losses" that you attribute to Trump were simply the result of the shut downs!

No, blaming Fauci for words coming out of Trump's mouth. That is insanely silly.

And of course it was due to the shut downs. But again, it was Trump who recommended it. That on him. Odd that you want to give him a pass for what he recommends?

And it wasn't just that. He totally mismanaged it. I recall at some point the U.S. represented about 25% of covid deaths out of the entire covid deaths. But meanwhile, pur population comprised just 4% of the entire world's population. Trump failed when it came to covid. It cost him the 2020 election. America knew he failed even if you think he didn't.
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Than you double down on the stupidity by blaming Trump for adding all of that money to the debt! When you shut down people's means to earn a living for month after month then you have to support them. That was a decision made by both parties which you know very well.

So? Some of what Biden added was also due to covid. Where do you make that same excuse for Biden?
No, blaming Fauci for words coming out of Trump's mouth. That is insanely silly.

And of course it was due to the shut downs. But again, it was Trump who recommended it. That on him. Odd that you want to give him a pass for what he recommends?

And it wasn't just that. He totally mismanaged it. I recall at some point the U.S. represented about 25% of covid deaths among the entire world's population. But meanwhile, pur population comprised just 4% of the entire world's population. Trump failed when it came to covid. It cost him the 2020 election. America knew he failed even if you think he didn't.
Covid did cost Trump the 2020 election. It allowed Joe Biden's handlers an excuse to hide him in his basement so the voters didn't get a clear picture at how cognitively impaired he was. It allowed Democrats to shut down the economy that Trump had running beautifully and claim that it was Trump's fault. If there hadn't been a pandemic we wouldn't have had the last three plus years of incompetent leadership.
So? Some of what Biden added was also due to covid. Where do you make that same excuse for Biden?
Biden wasn't spending on Covid, Faun...he had two massive spending programs that had nothing to do with Covid. Those were the programs that Larry Summers warned would almost certainly result in a huge inflationary spike!
Looks like manipulation.

Weaker job markets is the excuse the Feds need to start lowering interest rates.
Covid did cost Trump the 2020 election. It allowed Joe Biden's handlers an excuse to hide him in his basement so the voters didn't get a clear picture at how cognitively impaired he was. It allowed Democrats to shut down the economy that Trump had running beautifully and claim that it was Trump's fault. If there hadn't been a pandemic we wouldn't have had the last three plus years of incompetent leadership.

Well that's not true. Everyone already saw how impaired Biden was.

And again, the economy was shutdown right after Trump recommended it. He doesn't get a pass because states listened to him.
Biden wasn't spending on Covid, Faun...he had two massive spending programs that had nothing to do with Covid. Those were the programs that Larry Summers warned would almost certainly result in a huge inflationary spike!

Stop lying...

Looks like manipulation.

Weaker job markets is the excuse the Feds need to start lowering interest rates.

Which IMO, they should have already been doing. If they don't do it now, I think there's a good chance they will by the end of next week. CPI figures come out on Wednesday.
Job growth under Trump during most of his last year was also due to covid jobs coming back. Should we deduct those too from Trump's record? And Trump added $7.8 trillion to the debt to lose 2½ million jobs.

You seem to be forgetting that about $4 trillion dollars of that $7.8 trillion was for the CARES Act, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Act, and other Covid relief. All of which had bipartisan support of Congress or were programs originated in Congress. His only executive actions cost only a total of $255 billion, which was the Affordable Care Act Cost-Sharing Reductions Termination and the Prescription Drug Rebate Rule. A third executive action was the Tariffs, which netted a $445 billion surplus.

So in reality, Trump didn't really spend that much, when you compare it to Obama's and especially Biden/Harris who have added $7.2 trillion to the national debt, even though Covid ended three years go.
Well that's not true. Everyone already saw how impaired Biden was.

And again, the economy was shutdown right after Trump recommended it. He doesn't get a pass because states listened to him.
Fauci recommended it...Trump made the mistake of trusting that greedy midget.

Everyone DIDN'T get to see how impaired Biden was because he stayed in his basement and the Main Stream Media conducted his campaign FOR him!

Revisions to the June and July labor reports showed the US economy added 86,000 fewer jobs than initially reported in those months.

Looks like a .50 rate reduction is in the works now.

Dow futures flat.

Looks like employer's thrust is in employee retention rather than hiring.
Including our own company, most businesses I know - and since we are a B2B business - I know a LOT - are all short handed, but are not actively hiring despite shorthanded.
Sorry, just the truth, GenZ are absolutely horrendous employees. Millennials are like super employees comparatively...and most of them suck.
Who wants to hire people that don't actually want to work, and sees you as an adversary??
Until XiTrump broke the world economy with their mismanagement of the Covid response.

JGalt, the world knows that.

14.8% UE as well.

People laugh at you when you keep trying thing.,
Including our own company, most businesses I know - and since we are a B2B business - I know a LOT - are all short handed, but are not actively hiring despite shorthanded.
Sorry, just the truth, GenZ are absolutely horrendous employees. Millennials are like super employees comparatively...and most of them suck.
Who wants to hire people that don't actually want to work, and sees you as an adversary??
Thus what I stated about retaining employees....I just assume they mean the good ones. ;)
Until XiTrump broke the world economy with their mismanagement of the Covid response.

JGalt, the world knows that.

14.8% UE as well.

People laugh at you when you keep trying thing.,
More people died of Covid under Joe Biden than died under Donald Trump and that's AFTER Trump provided Biden with the vaccines and ventilators to treat Covid!
Thus what I stated about retaining employees....I just assume they mean the good ones. ;)
Absolutely. Consider myself... I am 59, I have extensive knowledge in this field. 24 years worth of experience. I have lots of contacts etc.
I am paid full time salary.
I only work 6.5 hours M-Thu, and off most Fridays.
They will do anything to keep me.
You seem to be forgetting that about $4 trillion dollars of that $7.8 trillion was for the CARES Act, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Act, and other Covid relief. All of which had bipartisan support of Congress or were programs originated in Congress. His only executive actions cost only a total of $255 billion, which was the Affordable Care Act Cost-Sharing Reductions Termination and the Prescription Drug Rebate Rule. A third executive action was the Tariffs, which netted a $445 billion surplus.

So in reality, Trump didn't really spend that much, when you compare it to Obama's and especially Biden/Harris who have added $7.2 trillion to the national debt, even though Covid ended three years go.

Umm, Obama and Trump were nearly the same.

Obama averaged $1.165 billion per year.
Trump, just for his first 3 years, averaged $1.088 billion per year.
Biden is the worst, but he too spent money for covid relief.

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