McDonald's Burgers

Back in the early 1980's, it was my first job working at a McDonal'd's. We were allowed free food back then as part of working there. I ate a lot there.

Fast-forward to now, I don't eat there anymore. It hasn't been the same. And I prefer Culver's over McDonald's now.
I know! The burgers from McDonald's doesn't taste as good. In the mid to late 2000's they were good. That is from when I was a kid.
I know! The burgers from McDonald's doesn't taste as good. In the mid to late 2000's they were good. That is from when I was a kid.

I honestly don't think that they were ever good whenever I had one. I actually threw up one time I was a kid after eating one.
Please take your religious stuff out of this thread. Religion and food don't mix well unless you are a Hindu, Muslim, or a Jew, where you have dietary laws.

I say this as somebody who is somewhat religious myself... I AGREE. This is NOT a vegan debate thread.
Paging JohnDB as he's both a Christian (like me I'm just more spiritual than religious) and a proud member of PETA:

P eople
E at
T asty
A nimals

What do you think about McDonald's burgers?

The PETA organization for veganism would cringe and I would be eating burgers all day long.

You know it's like gay people and people having an identity crisis. Nobody freaking cares until they tried to make it out business. Veganism is exactly the same thing. NOBODY CARES!!! Just live your own life and get a hobby. Jeez oh man!! 🙄
I mean they pump a lot of toxic chemicals to make vegan "meat". And it doesn't even taste right.

This is true. The list of ingredients on the "meatless" meats is terrifying.

Vegan meat makes as much sense to me as getting a sex doll when you're already married or seeing somebody. 🙄
I don't know if you were/are familiar that McDonald's tried out a "new vegan" burger in the mid-1980's. It was called The McDLT - It was a vegan burger quarter pounder with lettuce and tomato (of course, onions and pickles.) Later they dropped the burger, and made the Double Pounder w/cheese part of the menu.
I don't know if you were/are familiar that McDonald's tried out a "new vegan" burger in the mid-1980's. It was called The McDLT - It was a vegan burger quarter pounder with lettuce and tomato (of course, onions and pickles.) Later they dropped the burger, and made the Double Pounder w/cheese part of the menu.
I wouldn't blame them with all of those ingredients you can't pronounce. Also "Natural flavors" can be bird shit as far as I know.

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