All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

No, they are resisting invaders.

The fact you have to make that distinction (Arabs who live within the 1967 borders having slightly more rights thanthose in the occupied territories) proves my point about apartheid.

How does killing children fight Hamas?
This is a question of citizenship. Over 2 million Arabs are citizens of Israel. They have the rights that all Israelis have. No apartheid. No genocide.
No, they are resisting invaders.

The fact you have to make that distinction (Arabs who live within the 1967 borders having slightly more rights thanthose in the occupied territories) proves my point about apartheid.

How does killing children fight Hamas?
Citizens of Israel all have the same rights under the law whether they are Jewish or Muslim/Arab proves there is no apartheid in Israel.
Citizens of Israel all have the same rights under the law whether they are Jewish or Muslim/Arab proves there is no apartheid in Israel.

Except when you deny people who live in Israel citizenship under some jiggery-pokery about "Occuppied Territories">

The South Africans tried this shit, too. They declared the less desirable parts of the country as homelands for the Zulus and Xhosa,

The world didn't buy it, and eventually, they had to dismantle Apartheid.

The difference is, will the Palestinians be in as forgiving a mood as South Africa's blacks are?
There are 8 million Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories, with varying levels of rights far less than what Jews have.

The Arabs living in the territories are all citizens of the Palestinian authority by agreement between Israel and the PA and this arrangement was endorsed by the UN. What rights these people have is determined by the PA and not by Israel.

The Arabs who live in the area of Jerusalem are permanent residents of Israe as well as citizens of the PA. As permanent residents of Israel they have all the same legal protections of citizens, are entitled to all the social welfare benefits citizens are entitled to, can travel and work everywhere in Israel without special permission, vote in local elections, although few do, and are eligible to apply for Israeli citizenship, although few do.

Clearly, there is no evidence of apartheid.

In post after post you demonstrate you have no idea why you harbor so much hatred of Jews and Israel.
Except when you deny people who live in Israel citizenship under some jiggery-pokery about "Occuppied Territories">

The South Africans tried this shit, too. They declared the less desirable parts of the country as homelands for the Zulus and Xhosa,

The world didn't buy it, and eventually, they had to dismantle Apartheid.

The difference is, will the Palestinians be in as forgiving a mood as South Africa's blacks are?
Occupied territories is an anti Israel propaganda term, but the Arabs who live in the West Bank and Gaza are citizens of the Palestinian Authority - as agreed to by Israel and the PA and recognized by the UN - and their rights are determined by the PA.

Clearly you would much rather discuss conditions that once existed in South Africa than conditions that exist in Israe.
The difference is, will the Palestinians be in as forgiving a mood as South Africa's blacks are?
The present Israeli - Palestine War demonstrates that the Israelis will always be able to defeat the Palestinians, while maintaining a very favorable kill ration. So, it really does not matter how the Palestinians feel about things.
Except when you deny people who live in Israel citizenship under some jiggery-pokery about "Occuppied Territories">
You know that applying citizenship = Israeli sovereignty, yes? You are calling for Israel to annex "Palestine". Is that intentional or an error of ignorance?
There are 8 million Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories, with varying levels of rights far less than what Jews have.

This could easily be flipped on its head. There are 1 million Jews living in "Palestine" with NO rights. Apartheid.
The Arabs living in the territories are all citizens of the Palestinian authority by agreement between Israel and the PA and this arrangement was endorsed by the UN. What rights these people have is determined by the PA and not by Israel.

Wow, always trust the Jews to try to wrangle a convoluted justification for something.

When Israel withdraws from the PA's territory and respects their sovereignty, then you can get back to me.

This could easily be flipped on its head. There are 1 million Jews living in "Palestine" with NO rights. Apartheid.
That's not true at all. The Illegal Squatters on the West Bank have more rights than the Palestinians who live there.

You know that applying citizenship = Israeli sovereignty, yes? You are calling for Israel to annex "Palestine". Is that intentional or an error of ignorance?

Joe's Ideal Solution- The Jews all go back to Europe where they came from.

Less than Ideal Solution- A fair partition of the land including Jerusalem. Problem- it validates Israel's theft of Palestine, which is why they won't go for it.

Eventual solution- Israel has to end Apartheid, one state solution, and it won't be a Jewish state anymore. Which I'm fine with.
That's not true at all. The Illegal Squatters on the West Bank have more rights than the Palestinians who live there.
Really? Do tell me about the rights of Jews in Palestine. Maybe start with the right to purchase a house in Ramallah. Or the right to hold religious services in Jenin. Or the right to find work in Gaza City.
Wow, always trust the Jews to try to wrangle a convoluted justification for something.

When Israel withdraws from the PA's territory and respects their sovereignty, then you can get back to me.

That's not true at all. The Illegal Squatters on the West Bank have more rights than the Palestinians who live there.

Joe's Ideal Solution- The Jews all go back to Europe where they came from.

Less than Ideal Solution- A fair partition of the land including Jerusalem. Problem- it validates Israel's theft of Palestine, which is why they won't go for it.

Eventual solution- Israel has to end Apartheid, one state solution, and it won't be a Jewish state anymore. Which I'm fine with.
Try as you might, it is clear you have no idea why you harbor so much hatred for Jews and Israel.
The present Israeli - Palestine War demonstrates that the Israelis will always be able to defeat the Palestinians, while maintaining a very favorable kill ration. So, it really does not matter how the Palestinians feel about things.
You sound like one of those armchair generals who screamed, "The Viet Cong Never won a battle".

Israel is winning the battle but losing the war for international acceptance.
You sound like one of those armchair generals who screamed, "The Viet Cong Never won a battle".

Israel is winning the battle but losing the war for international acceptance.
Westerners who support the Palestinians against Israel ignore what most of the Palestinians are like.

A gay rights demonstration in Gaza would never happen. By the time the police arrived to arrest the demonstrators, they would have been beaten to death by a raving mob of Palestinians.

Among the Palestinians women have no rights.

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