Judge Delays Hush Money Sentencing to November

If the American electorate decides they want Trump as president, and ONE man singlehandedly tries to negate that by sentencing him to prison and thus disenfranchises American voters, there will be a revolt to rival the French Revolution.
If the American electorate decides they want Trump as president, and ONE man singlehandedly tries to negate that by sentencing him to prison and thus disenfranchises American voters, there will be a revolt to rival the French Revolution.
Trump is not above the law

If idiots elect a convicted felon, they deserve what they get
Can you name a single trial that Trumps poor decisions did not cause?

Go ahead.,., try
His nda payment was perfectly legal until agenda drivens concocted that it was the Method of How he paid that was their problem while admitting no problem with the NDA concept and legality

I went ahead
And you will wail no…no,,no
His nda payment was perfectly legal until agenda drivens concocted that it was the Methid if how he paid that was their problem while admitting no problem with the NDA concept and legality

I went ahead
And you will wail no…no,,no
The law and a jury says you are wrong.

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